Jakes house

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My mom,sisters and I were getting ready because they wanted to go to Jakes house. I was dancing to black magic by little mix. Bella jumped in my window and saw me dancing. She smiled and I sung jades high note. She then came up to me and kissed me. I jump and see its her, then I Know What You Did Last Summer came on and i jump around again, then i go to my closet and pick out my clothes and put them on. bella looked away and smirked. i blushed and kissed her and ran out of my room. we got in moms car and she drove to jakes house. i walked into his room and he looked and me and jumped up and hugged me. "laney come on to the woods i have to talk to you" i nodded and we walked to the woods. "so what did you-" i got cut off by jake slaming his lips to mine. i pushed him back and punched him breaking my wrist. i ran over to bellas side of the territory and i saw her standing there angry. "laney wait" jake said as i ran and craddled my wrist to my chest. "leave her alone, whats wrong with you" bella said with a glare on her face. i wrapped my good arm around her waist and she calmed down a little and we walked back to her house so she can have carlisle wrap my arm.

"im sorry, i didnt know he was going to kiss me" i said to bella with tears running down my face, she looked at me and her face softened, she said "oh baby its okay." She hugged me and then brought me to the living room where Rosalie was . "I can't believe you are marrying me." "Well I love you so yeah." "You have to change me." She nodded and Rosalie went outside, I watched her and got up from the couch and went outside "

"Go blather to someone else
about the joys of becoming a newborn.
I don't understand what I did,
to make you hate me so much."
"I don't hate you.
I don't particularly like you,
Laney, I envy you."
That's ridiculous."
"No, it's not.
You have a choice."
I didn't.
None of us did. But you do,
and you're choosing wrong.
I don't care how miserable
your human life is.
My life is not miserable.
It's not perfect,
but nobody's life is perfect.
Mine was.
Absolutely perfect.
Everything as I still wanted.
To be married,
with a nice house and a husband...
...to kiss me when he came home.
A family of my own.
Royce King was
the most eligible bachelor in town.
I barely knew him.
But I was young.
I was in love with the idea of love.
On the last night of my life,
I left a friend's house late.
I wasn't far from home." (Flashback starts)
- Here she is.
Hey, Rose.
Come over here.
Here, hold this.
Hey, come over here.
We've been waiting for you.
Here she is
You're drunk.
Isn't she lovely, John?
I told you she was a looker.
It's hard to say with all those clothes on.
What do you say, Rose?
Why don't we take off a few layers?
Stop it....
I'll see you tomorrow.
Hey, where do you think you're going?
Stop it. Just stop it. Let go. Stop it.
- Comeback. Hey, you'll do as I say. (Flashback ends)
"They left me in the street,
thinking I was dead.
Believe me, I wanted to be.
Carlisle found me,
he smelled all the blood...
Thought he was helping me."
" I'm sorry.
"I got my revenge on them.
One at a time.
I saved Royce for last,
so he'd know I was coming.
I was a little theatrical back then.
Things got better after I found Emmett.
But we'll always be this.
never moving forward.
That's what I miss the most,
the possibilities.
Sitting on a front porch somewhere,
Emmett gray haired by my side,
surrounded by our grandchildren,
their laughter."
"I understand,
that's what you want.
But there's nothing
I'll ever gonna want, more...
...than bella."
"You're wrong again.
After you've been changed,
there's one thing you'll want more...
One thing you'll kill for...

I looked down and breathed in, looked up and made eye contact with Rosalie. " see now you know that I really don't hate you I just don't think your making the right choice, but your you, make your own choices." I shut my eyes and reopened them again and walked up to Rosalie and hugged her. She was hesitant at first but then she hugged me back. "Thank you, for telling me" "thanks for listening." She says and we walk inside. Then we go do our own things with the people we love. Then my mom calls. "Laney, where are you!?!?" "Mom I'm at Bella's house chill" "oh okay. Are you coming home or not." "Nah I'm staying the night." "Okay hunny I love you." "I love you too bye" "bye sissy" I hear my sisters say, "byee babies" I say and hang up the phone. Alice grabs me and Rosalie follows and she brings me to the bathroom. "Now I'm dyeing your hair. It can't be pink for the wedding so we are dyeing black." I nodded and let them do their work. "Oh here, I found this in Bella's room." Rosalie said giving me her laptop. It was opened "Bella wanted me to give it to you. She said to watch supernatural" I nodded and giggled. Then I watched supernatural.

When Alice was done I went downstairs to see Esme putting something in a bowl. She looked at me and Carlisle put his arm around her and they both smiled at me. "Here hunny" she said in a motherly tone and walked out with Carlisle. I put Netflix back on but I put on the show called FRIENDS,(I love that show BTW same with supernatural) I put on season 2 and started from the beginning. "What are you watching" Alice said as she and Rosalie walked in here with jasper and Emmett. "This is my favorite show other than supernatural its called FRIENDS. Its so good. Watch it with me." I say putting my bowl in the sink and sitting next to Bella in the living room while Esme, Alice,Rosalie, beca,Carlisle, jasper and Emmett sat down in here and I put on season 1. They were laughing by the end of the first episode. "I love you." Bella said and I looked at her and said, "I love you to." Then we sealed it with a kiss.

perfect 3 (vampire bella love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant