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(Back Inside The House...)

Zayn, who laid on the ground, was soaked. He didn't care though, he needed to explain to Perrie what just happened. He quickly got up and looked around, the crowd just stared at him but Zayn ignored them, his first priority was to talk to Perrie.

"Zayn, you alright buddy?" A voice said behind him.

Zayn turned around and saw a concerned Harry. He wanted to scream no, that he's not okay. That everything is ruined because of some girl that came on to him. But he couldn't, he didn't want to explain to Harry what happened, he just wants to talk to Perrie.

As if he read Zayn's mind, Harry pointed to the door, Without a word, Zayn ran toward the door and dashed outside, just in time to see a familiar car drive away. Zayn dropped to his knees, not bothering to stop his fall. He watch as the car continue to drive until it became nothing but a speck.

"Zayn, get up!" A voice said behind him.

This time, it wasn't just Harry who stood behind Zayn. Louis, Niall and Liam was also there with a sad look on their faces. Zayn didn't say anything, more like he couldn't say anything. He couldn't form a sentence except for one.

Perrie left.

Louis, who had enough of the drama, fished something out of his pocket and threw it to Zayn, who had some sense into him to at least catch it rather than let the thing hit his face. The set of keys was enough for Zayn to know what Louis wanted him to do.

"Go get her, tiger." Louis said with a grin.

Out of all the lads, Louis was the one Zayn was closest to. Louis might act like a child sometimes but if someone needs some advices, Louis was the one you should talk to. He's also the only one that understands Perrie and Zayn's complicated relationship. He knew how much Zayn loves the blonde singer... He knew that Zayn would do anything to just be with her.

"Thanks.." Zayn chocked out.

He gave the guys a weak smile and shook Louis hands before he got in the red Camaro. [A/N: I have no idea what Louis car is. Sorry if it's wrong.] He fired up the engine and drove away. He knew where the girls would take Perrie at when she's down.



(Haha, I chose Nandos rather than their flat because we all know Perrie LOVES food. XD Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and the next one is going to have some drama, not a lot though but it's still going to be exciting. I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to Fan, Vote and Comment <3)

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