Love drunk

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It was a quiet, eerie morning. Rather than having the usual, wake up call from Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne, everything was silent. Perrie opened her eyes and looked around her room, a bit suspicious at the lack of noise. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time which read 11:30 pm. By now, the girls would've dump a bucket of cold water on her. With a sigh, knowing that the girls are probably up to no good, Perrie pushed the duvet off of her and climbed out of bed. She took a look at herself in the mirror and she saw a zombie that looked like it just climbed out of its grave.

"Ugh, I look like a skank." Perrie muttered to herself.

She put her hair up in a bun and placed some blush on her cheeks to put some color on her pale skin. After that was all done, she left her room and went downstairs. The house was dead, there was no loud footsteps coming from Jade, Jesy's iPhone wasn't in the stereo, blaring loud music, and Leigh-Anne screaming "Where's my eyeliner?" didn't fill the huge flat that they share.

"Where are those girls at?" Perrie thought aloud.

Perrie grabbed her phone and dialed Jade's number. No answer. She sighed and then called Jesy. No answer as well. By now, Perrie was getting worried, she was also getting mad and impatient. She decided to ring Leigh-Anne but again, no answer.

"Where could they be at?" Perrie screamed at no one.

Her voice filled the living room. She made her way towards the kitchen when suddenly, a piece of paper caught her eye. She snatched it off of the table and began to read it.

Hey Pez, Jesy, Leigh and I grabbed some things. Since we know you've had zero sleep, we decided to let you catch your rest. We'll pick you up around 1:00 pm! - Poopey

Perrie smiled at her friends' thoughtfulness. She looked at the back and saw Leigh-Anne's neat handwriting.

Get some decent clothes on Bam-Bam. Wear a dress, get doll up because we have a surprise for you! Don't tell the girls I told you this!! - Leigh xx

Perrie laughed and looked at the clock. She gasped and almost dropped the paper. It was already 12:00 pm!! She dashed upstairs and took a quick shower and after that, she left the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around her body. Perrie went inside her room and checked at the time which read 12:10 pm.

"Score for Perrie!!" she yelled to herself before she walked in her "closet".

It wasn't closet, it was an extra room and the girls decided that they would make it a closet and share it with each other. Her stuff was at the very back and she sorted it out by shirts, jackets, dresses, pants etc.

"What to wear.." She mumbled and looked through the dozen dresses.

She finally decided on a black dress with a black, leather jacket and without hesitation, she put the outfit on. Up to this point, her hair had already been dried off and so she just grabbed a brush and ran it through her hair. Perrie got out of the room and walked back in her room, she put on a shade of pink lipstick, some mascara, a bit of liquid eyeliner, and after she finished, Perrie looked at herself in the mirror with a satisfied look. She grabbed her phone, slip on her golden, high heels, and dashed downstairs, as fast as a person could in heels.

"Perrie we're home!!" Jade yelled.

Perrie skipped in the living room and saw her best friends enter the flat. They laughed and gave the young Geordie a hug.

"Oh good, Perrie's all dressed up!" Jade said.

Perrie laughed and saw that they were also dressed up but they had some bags in their hands. When she saw this, Perrie gave the girls a pout.

"You went shopping without me!" Perrie yelled.

"Well, you needed the sleep!" Leigh-Anne countered back.

She didn't protest back, instead she just gave Leigh a glare. They dropped their bags on the couch. Jade grabbed Perrie's arm and dragged her outside.

"Let's go!!" she yelled.

The trio laughed at Jade's lack of impatience. Jesy slammed the door shut and they all piled in the van. The driver, who happened to be their bodyguard, drove off. During the short drive, the girls goofed around. Perrie, who wanted to know where they're going, started to interrogate her best friends.

"You'll have to wait and see!!" Leigh-Anne, Jade and Jesy chorused.

Perrie frowned at them, which made the girls laugh and make Perrie even frown more, if that's possible.

"Don't do that, you'll get wrinkles!" Jade said and poke Perrie's cheek

Perrie laughed at Jade's comment. She could never stay mad at the girls, they always know how to make her laugh. The rest of the car ride was just them singing to songs off pitch purposely. Even the girls convinced Perrie to do her goat impression during "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift. When the song finished, the car stopped. They climbed out of the car and Perrie instantly recognized the mansion that they've been to so many times.

"Why are we at Simon's house?" Perrie asked the girls.

"He invited us, duh!" Leigh-Anne answered back.

Perrie poked her tongue out at Leigh and together, the four climbed up the stairs and walked in Simon's house. A huge chandelier was hung above the crowd, music echoed inside, and many popular celebrities can be seen.

"Is that.. Justin Bieber?" Leigh-Anne asked and pointed at the famous heartthrob.

Perrie laughed at Leigh-Anne's expression. She already met the lad, thanks to Zayn, and when she saw who Leigh-Anne was pointing to, she nod.

"Yup, you should go talk to him!" Perrie said and dragged Leigh-Anne towards Justin.

"Perrie, what are you doing? NO!!" Leigh-Anne whispered/screamed quietly.

Perrie chuckled and when she was finally close enough to Justin, who just stood there with his back to them, she poked his shoulder. He turned around, his phone out and when he saw Perrie, his face began to relax.

"Hey Pez, what's up?" Justin asked. [A/N: I have no idea if Justin knows Perrie, keep in mind that this is a FANFICTION. Oh, I also don't know what Simon's house look like.]

"Hey Justin, I want you to meet my best friend and bandmate, Leigh-Anne! Leigh-Anne this is Justin!" Perrie said to Justin.

Justin looked at Leigh-Anne and flashed her a smile.

"Hey, nice to meet you Leigh-Anne!" Justin said and smiled at the girl who looked a bit starstruck.

"Just call me Leigh!" Leigh-Anne stuttered. She took a shaky hand out and the boy immediately took it and gave a light shake.

"I'll leave you two alone! Oh and by the way, have you seen Zayn and the boys?" Perrie said after a minute of silence.

"I don't know where the boys are at but I saw Zayn upstairs, hanging out at the balcony." Justin finally replied when he teared his eyes away from Leigh-Anne's.

Perrie chuckled and thanked Justin before leaving the two alone. She chuckled at the two and how they look cute together. When Perrie finally reach the upper floor, she dashed to the balcony.. well, as fast as you could in high heels. When she finally reached the doors that lead to the balcony, Perrie opened it and there she saw Zayn. Suddenly, her jaw dropped.

Zayn was kissing another girl.

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