Chapter 10

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Claire’s POV

It was Matthew and Olivia. In a way I was actually kind of happy because now there is definitely a chance for us. I just want to hold him and... Wait what am I thinking? I need to focus on school and there is something definitely suspicious about him, like it is all just act of some sort. I can feel it. 

And he has had a lot of girlfriends, people say he is a major player and just uses girls and then leaves them hanging like nothing happened. If he is that kind of guy, he is definitely not going to do it to me.

I stood there while she yelled I’m sorry to him over and over to him. What did she do? Well she is kind of a slut, I heard that she’s only 15, has had over 15 boyfriends and got her first kiss when she was in kindergarten. I guess she’s been a player all her life, and now she wants the hottest guy in our grade to take her back. 

I felt like I shouldn’t be listening but they were fighting loud enough. You could tell the anger built up inside of him because his cheeks went tomato red and it looked like he was about to burst just because she would not stop blabbing on. 

He started to walk but she hanged on to his backpack and he was unable to continue walking. He stopped and yelled “Just get away from me I never even liked you do you not understand that! I don’t want a part of you anymore! I only said yes when you asked me out because every guy was going for you, I thought it was the cool thing to do but it really wasn’t. I put up with you go with all those guys and I only did it because I got popular. I know it’s wrong, but its time you leave me alone.” His voice started to lower when he finished and she stood there with her mouth open, mascara running and tears everywhere. 

I felt like I was frozen, unsure why I finally walked forward to where I was going to go. I tried to walk around her so she wouldn’t notice me, she’s in a horrible mood and I didn’t want her to take it out one me but that was kinda hard. 

Her mouth was still open and a bunch of year 11 guys came around and said to her “Make sure your mouth is shut, some other people might think you want to do them a favour.”

I opened my mouth in disgust because I definitely knew what they were meaning. She quickly shut her mouth and walked off silently. 

I felt like I shouldn’t have listened but they made it public known and for some reason I was kind of happy that they had a fight and broke up. I finally made my way to the front gates and saw that my dad hadn’t got there yet. I stood silently against the gate and looked around I saw Matthew sitting on the grass behind with a weird sort of expression. Like he was sad, confused, happy and like he was puffed out at the same time. I wasn’t sure if I should and be nice or just mind my own business. 

I made my decision. I like him and I just realised that. Maybe I should go talk to him. I looked around making sure my dad wasn’t getting there or coming over the hill yet. I walked through the gates and made my way to him. I stood next to him and took a seat. “Hey, are you okay?”

“I’m a single man. We had a fight and I told her I don’t want her anymore and everything and she lost it.” He looked so distraught but had a little smirk.

“I kind of overheard you guys. You didn’t make it unknown.” 

“Yeah. Crap everyone’s going to know now.”

“Come one it’s not bad you got out of the relationship you didn’t want to be in, Didn’t you?”

“Yes but she is not going to handle it well at all.” 

“Its ok you got me.” He turned and so I pulled up my sleeve and showed him my pretend muscles. That made him chuckle and smile.

“Hahaha why thank you I’m sure I’ll be 100 percent safe with you.”

“I know you will be.” And I gave him my biggest smile. And he gave me on back. I nearly wanted to drool because I just realised how much hotness he has and how much I want him. And it was a lot. 

We both turned away and I realised my dad just turned up. “Bye Matt.” And at this he smiled because for the first time I called him Matt and got up with my bag and walked to the car. 

The car ride consisted of explaining to my dad how my day went. It was going to be the same. It was ok. Just like always but I still like him asking, my mum never did. And today was that extra bit special because of Matt. 

We had tea and I did my homework. Why homework it’s like the teachers actually do want to torture us. I already had 2 assignments. And that does not make me happy. I made my way to bed and just laid there on my phone, listening to music and on Facebook and Instagram. Seeing all those people who think they are as pretty as models. They really do start to get on my nerves. 

I laid there thinking what it would actually be like if I did have Matthew. What am I thinking? But we have English tomorrow so let’s see what happens. 

Matthew POV

I am upset that I no longer have a girlfriend but I am so much happier than being single then with her. The reason I freaked out and broke up with her was because she cheated on yet again another guy. This one didn’t even go to our school cos he was 32 years of age. 

Wow that was the fourth one since we started going out. Wow she never learns and I really hope the next guy doesn’t fall for her act. I know it was so mean just to go out with her to look hot and be popular but that’s not the case anymore. 

I am so over her and the baggage that comes with her. Some other guy can deal with it. Anyway there are plenty other girls out there. Especially little miss Claire. I got my eye on her and I literally jumping with joy inside when she came over. 

I went for footy training after that to get my mind of things and told the guys about it. I think I took a little anger out on the ball and the guys because of her and Claire. I realised I should have made a move when she walked over to me, but we have English tomorrow. 

I got home and did the boring old usual things. Have tea, do homework (which is hate), then maybe watch some TV quietly in my room. I watched the Cabin in the woods. It was pretty good. I wonder if Claire likes scary movies. I might just ask her that tomorrow. And once again my mind travelled to her. But little does she know it’s all just an act. Isn’t it? I can’t be falling for her. Nah once I am done with her I already have my eye on someone else… I just hope she doesn’t see through I gotta start making moves on her already so we can get closer and closer. Hopefully so close that I am able to add her to my list, without her suspicions, 

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