Chapter 6

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Matthew’s POV

Omg she goes to my school now. She… Claire goes to our school. Well this just got a whole lot more interesting.  Especially now that her locker is near mine. If only I get rid of my girlfriend she can be mine. Mmm yep she looks like she’s full of fun. I have to get her before anyone else. Her long brown hair, those hazel coloured eyes and those red luscious lips. Uhh now I can’t stop looking at her. She’s so beautiful, not that I’m interested in her personality I just want her on my ‘used’ list.

All of a sudden my thoughts were broken and I heard my friend yell at me “Yooo Matt! Hellooo I’ve been calling for you. What are you doing your just standing there looking at nothing! C’mon we gotta go to recess.”

I grabbed my stuff and went to recess. Still thinking about her……

20 minutes later I had English. I heard my friend come up behind me. “C’mon dude we have to go to stupid English”

“Uhhh fine lets go then even though I hate English with a passion and the teacher well no wonder why she isn’t married.”

“Yeah dude I hear ya. I hate her to.”

Then all of a sudden up ahead I saw her….. Claire. She was looking at a map. Clearly lost. Guess who’s going to come in and save her. I walked faster. “Hey hey hey” and walked up beside her.

She looked at me a bit shocked I came out of nowhere. “Oh hey do you know where…” she said flipping the map around “FA4 is?”

“You know what I happen to know exactly where that class is” we continued to walk towards the classroom.

We slowly came to a stop. “Here it is.”

“Oh thankyou but you didn’t have to walk me all the way here. You could have just gave me directions” she said giving me a smile.

“Well it just happens that this is my class too.” I winked at her. I opened the door and let her inside first like a gentle man. She gave me a look and found a desk at the back and sat down. I sat down with the rest of my friends in the middle and looked at the teacher.

“Late again there Matthew.” The teacher; Ms Rolleston looked down at me through her glasses. I looked up and rolled my eyes. “Diary on my desk.”

I dumped it on her desk and all the girls looked at me. Why are they so flirtatious?

Claire’s POV

English went quickly mainly because I was still wondering why Matthew had an interest in me. Why me? I’m not even good. He was a bit weird in English. He always looked back at me. Then the bell went and I had science. I looked at the map, hopefully I was going in the direction.

I finally found the class with Mr Jackson in LA1 and entered. I found that Anna was in the class and she waved me over to come to sit with her. I went to the back and once again the teacher introduced me. I sat down looking around. Thank gosh Matthew wasn’t in this class. Finally can sit in peace and hopefully forget about him.

That went quick. Anna and I just went on about random stuff and laughed the whole time. Now I had lunch. So I walked back to my locker with Anna and we both grabbed our lunch. We found her other friends and I then I saw Matthew. I quickly ducked behind the lockers. “What are you doing?” Anna asked me. She looked around. “Oohh are you avoiding him?”

“No. Well yes. No uhh kind of. He’s in two out of three of my classes so far and he always tries to talk to me.”

“I wouldn’t find it that bad. I mean c’mon, he’s pretty good and most girls want him.”

“Uhhh whatever.” I said shaking my head and we walked off.

Lunch went pretty quick. I love Anna’s friends there all amazing. Their just so fun and friendly. I think my first day so far has been ok. But now I have Japanese with Mr O’Leary.

I quickly grabbed my books out of my locker so that when Matthew got there I’ be gone and hopefully he’s not in my class. I quickly walked to H8 which I found pretty easily. It was close to my and I have Emma from my homeroom with me. I walked inside the classroom and we had a seating plan. I found my name and I was sitting next to someone called Alex Hardy.

I took my seat and the Alex guy walked into the class. He took a seat next to me. “Hey you’re the new girl.”

“Yep that’s me. I’m Claire Walker.”

“I’m Alex Hardy and I’m pretty sure you’re also in my English class. Ms Rolleston, right?”

“Yes that’s the one.” The teacher silenced the class and started teaching. Going over the basics of Japanese. Blah de blah I found it pretty boring. But Alex was pretty fun. I guess I’ve made another friend and Matthew wasn’t in our class.

Then a little bit later the bell went and I made my way to maths with Mrs Martin in K6. I found it pretty quick and made my way inside. I took a seat at the back again but I found no one I knew. I slumped down in my chair but suddenly a girl that was hanging out with us at lunch walked in. Her name was Holly and she had short light brown hair. She saw and smiled and sat next to me. I was so glad I had someone.

The class started and once again the teacher blabbed on about pure boringness. Then someone knocked on the door. I didn’t even bother to look up because Lily and I were just laughing. But then I heard the voice and it was one I could recognise perfectly. It was Matthew once again he is in another class of mine.  Holly nudged me slightly and smiled. I just rolled my eyes and shrugged at her.

He made his way over and I was actually secretly hoping he would sit near me but not next to me. He sat in front of Holly and I and I kind of blushed. He turned around and winked at me.

The class dragged on forever and finally that class was finished. Uhh, I feel like this day has gone forever. The bell went at 3:10 and so I packed up my things and slowly made my way to my locker.

Holly and I packed our things up and walked to our locker together… but I came to a sudden stop because Matthew was already there with his mates. I just stood around pretending to wait when my locker was free anyway.

5 minutes later i had to go to my locker, otherwise I would be late for Dad. Since he left work early to come pick me up. I went to my locker trying to be as least noticeable as possible. I pulled at my bag and we didn’t have much homework so my bag wasn’t that heavy. I quickly locked my locker and started to walk away when I heard someone calling my name.

“Hey Claire, Claire, Claire!” Matthew ran up beside me.

“Yeah.” I said turning to him like I wasn’t even interested at all. I kept walking.

“So I see you’re in a few of my classes. Well that’s great.”

Then all of a sudden his girlfriend came up beside him. “Where have you been?!? Why are you talking to her again?”

“Why is it your business?”

“Because I’m dating you”

“Oh right that’s a nightmare I can’t seem to wake up from.”

“Whatever. You love me” She grabbed his hand and swung him around as I made my way to the car. What a day I have had so far. And there is still many more…

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