Chapter 7

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Claire’s POV

I looked back at them. Why were they going out? She was just a bitch and he is so nice and good looking. Uhh I wish he was mine to hold. I wish that was me that was walking with him. But nope, it’s just lonely old me that’s never had a boyfriend and has never been kissed. I made my way to the car, I shoved my bag in the back and got in. I said hi and to my dad.

“How has your day been sweetie?”

“It was scary but it was also interesting. I met a lot new people and made a few friends. The people in my homeroom are nice and are very helpful.”

“That’s great honey. I’m glad your day went well. Meet any hot boys?”

I could feel my face go pink and instantly i thought of Matthew. Why Matthew? “Ahh no of course not Dad.”

“Aha well I saw that little smirk that appeared. Now tell me more about your day. I want to know everything. I haven’t heard about school in many years.”

I told him about all my lessons and how I made new friends and how my day was pretty good. We shared a few laughs but I didn’t say anything about Matthew. He would tease me and might not even like it. I’m unsure of my feelings I need Amber again she always knew what to do.

We got home about 10 minutes later. I dumped my bag on my bedroom floor and collapsed onto my bed finally I was home.  I felt like some fresh air and some alone time to help me think. So I decided to take my dog for a walk. I grabbed the leash out the cupboard and hooked it to his collar. I told my dad I was leaving and then went out the door.

“Be home soon!” I yelled to him and I put my headphones in my ears and walked off. Scruffy kept pulling me. I walked around the corner, then realised that I should remember where I walked so I could get back. I haven’t been here that long so I don’t know the streets completely yet. I listened to the music trying to forget about Matthew and his girlfriend. I walked around when I heard someone yelling my name. It got closer and closer when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped a little but when I turned around I just realised it was Alex from school today.

“Hey new girl we meet again.”

“Aha don’t call me new girl. I have a few names for you to glass face.” I smirked at him.

“Ohh ahhaha please is that all you got!”

“I have more! A lot more! But I just don’t want to be mean. I just got arrived I don’t wanna be called a bitch.”

“Oh ok then I understand newbie.”

I gave him a dirty look and he threw his hands up in the air like he was innocent. “So you live up here?”

“Yea I just moved here. What about you?”

“Well I’ve lived here all my life and it’s nice. It’s quiet and it’s a good place to grow up.”

“That’s great.”

“So what made you move here?”

“Well my dad already lives here, and so I moved in with him because I didn’t want to live with my mother anymore”

“Ah yes parents can be a pain at times”

“Yeah don’t even get me started about my mother.” I said shaking my head.

“Ok then so who is this?” He pointed towards Scruffy.

“This is Scruffy!” I said pointing towards him.

“Aww he’s so cute! Can I pat him?”

“Sure he’s friendly.” He bent down and immediately Scruffy started to lick him. “He likes you”

“Huh yeah he might smell my dog at home. Her name is Allie.”

“Ah cute I would like to meet her sometime maybe.”

“Yeah maybe we could have doggie dates.” He said coming to a stop. “Well this is my street. I’ll see you tomorrow at school then.”

“Yep bye Alex!” I said beginning to walk back down the road.

20 minutes I found my way back home and walked inside. I put Scruffy outside for a drink and walked upstairs to find my dad in his study.

“Hi Dad”

“Hi kiddo. I see you found your way back home thank goodness.”

“Dad of course I did. I like this area it’s quiet and has good scenery.”

“That’s nice I bet you Scruffy loved it. Especially if you do it often.”

“Ok, are you dropping hints now? I’m going to go have a shower I’ll see you after” I said smiling at him and walking out the room.

I grabbed some towels out the cupboard and started the shower. The nice hot water made all my thoughts go away and let me just be me. I may also have sang a bit. Even though I am really bad.

15 minutes later I got out and chucked a new pair of clothes on. I brushed and blow dried my hair and made my way downstairs. I looked at the clock and realised it was already near 6 o’clock. I could hear my dad calling my name and I walked into the direction of which I could hear it and there I found him at the table eating tea which was served by our butler.

I took a seat and ate it quickly. It may have only been spaghetti meatballs but it was sure delicious. I took my plate up to the sink and started to the dishes but the butler shooed me away. So I just walked off and sat down on the lounge.

“You going to join me Dad?”

“One second.” He said with a mouth full of pasta. I turned back around and started flipping through the channels till I found Friends. Yay I like this show. My dad came and sat down with me a few minutes.

“Ooh I like this show. I think I’ve seen this episode before.” We sat down. Just the two of us. It was nice for once. I wanted to have a close relationship with at least one of my parents.

For the next half an hour we sat there and watched it. I haven’t seen that one before but it was good. Then by that time it was 7:30 and so my dad and I thought we might put a movie on. We were looking through the DVD racks and then I found one. It was one of my favourites.

“What about this one?” I said turning to him and holding up the DVD cover.

“Wild Hogs? Sure. Haven’t seen it in a while.”

“Great!” I placed the DVD into DVD player and pressed play.

The movie went for a bit and ended up finishing at 9:30. I yawned tired from the whole and decided to call it a night. I said goodnight to my dad and made my way back upstairs. I changed into my pyjamas, brushed my teeth and made my way to bed.

I thought about texting Amber but I just didn’t even know what to say anymore. I was just so confused about everything. I’ll take another night to think about it and call her tomorrow.

I pulled back my bed sheets and crawled in. Laying my head back on the pillow and placing my phone on my locker to charge.

I turned back around looking into the darkness and thinking about what tomorrow would bring. But I’ll take it as it is. I remember when I used to go to bed late at night from cleaning the house and looking after my mother because she had a hangover, but yet she would still go out at night and get drunk again and again. She never learned. Then she would come home really early and yell at me or be too busy with a guy.

I’m just glad it’s no longer like that. That was torture and I don’t ever want to go back there…….

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