Down For All -4

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D o w n For A l l -4

Montell and Justice had gotten to know a lot about each other and right now they were all over one another.

Passion was finally up. "Hey Dre."

"Y'all know each other ?" Justice asked.

"Yup." Passion popped the p, wanting to keep her relationship with Dre's younger brother Marcus a secret for now.

Justice kept quiet not wanting to question her sister any longer.

Dre watched spongebob as Montell leaned in for another kiss, he bit her lip begging for entrance, they're tongues having a game of volleyball.

Montell pulled away, taking her right hand in his.

"So I was wondering if I could take you out some time."

Justice blushed a little looking down. "Um yeah..sure."

He gently lifted her head up. " Don't hide yourself , your cute when you blush."

Justice smiled pecking his lips softly.

Montell had never felt like this neither had Justice, his first thought was to hit and quit.

But it was love at first sight, the feeling was mutual.

But he wouldn't let himself fall in love, he loved the streets too much to let himself get distracted by just another broad.

Quadir was everything Tae wanted in a man. From the slit in his left eyebrow, the deep dimple in his right cheek, the gold stud that glistened in his right ear. The way he towered over her, his Carmel coloured flawless skin. Everything about him had her attached.

Tae had known Quadir for a year now and only now was when she was getting to know so much about him.

"Who does your hair ?" Tae asked touching his cornrows, she had to admit they looked good but she could do better.

"Some bitch."

"Well they look good but I bet I could do better, lemme hook you up."

"Aight baby anyway now it's time for me to ask you a question." Quadir laughed. "Why the fuck do you carry around a box cutter ?"

"Uh Dir, what kind of stupid question is that ? Self defence duh, never know when I gotta cut a bitch."

"Tae baby you ain't about that life."

"Boy shut up I'm more of a thug than you'll ever be."

"Wanna bet ?" He smirked sliding his hand down to her thigh.

"Naw bitch I rep Thug Life 24/7. Never leaving home without the glock."

"Bitch please you don't even own one. I'm a dope boy, Thug Life everyday."

"I'll own one some day."

"Never in your life, when your with me you won't be touching any heat."

"And what makes you think-"

Quadir pulled Tae onto his lap so she was straddling him silencing her as she bent down to suck and kiss on his neck giving him chills.

Quadir felt like he was gonna cum any second now and she hadn't even done anything.

He lifted her shirt up exposing her red lace bra, she quickly unhooked it revealing her naked perky breasts.

Quadir licked his lips as his warm mouth made contact with her left breasts making her nipples rock hard. She gripped the back of his head grinding against his dick as he held onto her waist.

Dre barged in "aye Montell said we got to go-"

They ignored his presence, not even making an attempt to stop as Quadir licked her left nipple repeatedly.

Dre licked his lips, watching closely as if it was the latest porno.

He slapped himself mentally remembering why he was there in the first place.

"Aye Q, we gotta go check on the trap."

That woke Quadir up. Business before pleasure.

"I gotta go, i'll call you later."

Tae pulled her shirt back down not bothering to put her bra back on instead she handed it to Quadir. "Keep it as a souvenir of what's about to come." She whispered in his ear, her hot breath ticking his neck.

That oughta keep his hoes away for a while, she thought.

Quadir smirked as he lifted her off of his lap. "I gotta go, I'll call you later." Quadir stood up, leaning down to kiss her before he left out with Dre.

Tae walked back into the living room to see Justice alone. All she could think about was Quadir, how he made her feel.

"I already know what your thinking about or who." Justice laughed.

"You can't talk Jussi."

Justice blushed throwing her hair in a messy ponytail.

"Aye how Passion know Dre ?"

"Ion know, call him for me later."

Montell rolled up a blunt, Dre, Quadir, Zane and Bobby did the same knowing they was about to get high as fuck.

"Yeah man you should've been there, Quadir was all over Tae." Dre laughed "Some live porno."

"Shut the fuck up," Quadir laughed.

"What the fuck was you doing with my cousin nigga ?"

"Mind your own." Quadir was pissed. "I ain't asking you what you doing with Justice."

"This family Q, all you gonna do is break her heart."

"Like you haven't done that a thousand times." Quadir fumed "I'm out."

After Quadir left everyone was silent for a while but that didn't hide Montell's anger. He couldn't believe he was arguing with his best friend over his cousin mainly.

They all watched the trap whilst Bobby counted the money. Trust no hoe and you'll have to worry about getting set up.

They were all too high in the game to ever get out.

YC Ft. Future - Racks blasted as Dre quickly picked up his phone.

"Who this be ?"

"So how you know my girls sister ?" Tae got straight to the point.

Dre was so high he forgot that their relationship was supposed to be a secret.

He laughed "Marcus, she with my bro Marcus."

"Hold up." Justice butted in "Your saying my sister has a-"

"Yup," He said popping the p "and she never told your bitch asses."

"Dre I swear when I see your ass, Ima cut you !" Tae screamed so loud the rest of the boys heard her through the phone as Dre hung up laughing.

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