AotD - 15

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Ebony sat curled in the corner of the room, Sam left a while ago.  She did her best to ignore the pain in her ankle, but with every involuntary twitch, pain spasmed up her leg.  The companion had brought a black leather dress and brown woolen pants.  She pulled the pants on hastily but needed help with the dress.  It reached her knees and the sleeves reached her wrists.  A pair of lace up boots lay a few feet away, she hadn't put them on yet.  Interested about him, she reached out to him with her mind and found a conscious with heavy locks on it.  She explored the edges of his or her -- Ebony wasn't completely sure yet -- mind, finding a small hole in the protection which she slipped through with the greatest of ease, entering the companion's mind.

"Hello," she called

Hello.  I was wondering when you would find a way in.

"So you knew I would try?" she asked.

I guess I do look differently now, you probably don't recognize me.  You worked for my father.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember," Ebony said.

Is this not you? An image of herself materialized in front of her.  She stood wearing a crisp Lyrakk Officers uniform, a row of awards she never earned on the jackets breast with her hair pulled back into an immaculate bun.  Her eyes burned crimson. You are Lieutenant Evona Vladamir of Pûnshin, are you not?

Ebony's head sagged forward as she was forced to face her past.  She tried to swallow the memories as they came flooding back, the feeling of betrayal to Gabriel sinking into her chest as she allowed him to ravish her body.  Her knees became weak and she dropped to them, closing her eyes for a moment, forcing her tears back.  She took a deep breath. "You are Commander Varston's son, Elijah, correct?"

So you do remember me?

I do! Mercy cut in.

Get out of here, Mercy. Ebony snapped to her.  She nodded and sat back on her heels.  Closing her eyes, she smiled briefly, "How is your father?"

I have not seen him since you left.  Since you betrayed us.

"I was doing my job, I left your father alive, is that not enough?" Ebony asked.

They broke his mind and ripped his memories of you from his skull!  They berated him for your intimate relationship and striped him of his rank!  They tortured him for any memories he hid from them!

The fury nearly drove her from his mind, it rushed upon her like a sudden storm, thrashing her from every side.  It pulled and tugged at her hair, threatening to rip some out.

"I am sorry!  I was doing as I was told!" Ebony screamed over the wind.

The Lyrakk High Command did not tell you to kill their Commanders or Generals!  Do not lie to me!

“No, you don’t understand, I’m not a vampire, not a full one anyway,” Ebony said.  The winds instantly ceased and Elijah’s mind was returned to calm.  Confusion wound its way through the mind, playing its contradictory song, singing of beauty with the saddest melody playing in the background.

What? The word said with the saddest tone Ebony had ever heard.  She could almost picture Elijah’s lip quivering like it had when they’d received news of an Alliance raid on a Vampire settlement and Elijah’s mother had been killed.

"I'm not a full vampire," she repeated.

You are Damphir?

"No, not even that close.  Nor am I Decator. I was sucked nearly dry by a vampire but was transformed into an Angel by Gabriel.  I acquired some vampire traits, enough to hide amongst the vampires.  Your father knew this.”

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