AotD - 6

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  • Dedicated to Drake Limjoco

An early Thursday post for Drake Limjoco's 3rd birthday. Happy Birthday, this is for you! Maybe daddy will be nice and show this to you, if he's really nice he'll read it to you....considering its not that bad of chapter. (hint, hint) :D

            Drake opened his eyes in a stark white room, the light burning his eyes.  He squeezed them shut and heard a constant, high pitched, monotonous beep, amplified a thousand times louder than it should have been.  Slowly opening his eyes, allowing them to get accustomed to the light, he spotted a clip on his finger that had a wire protruding from the top of it.  His eyes traced the wire back to its source, the machine that was the source of the infernal beep that presently drove him nuts.  A pang of agony sent coursing through his scalp sent his hand to his head where he discovered a fabric wrapping the entire way around his skull.  A soft murmuring in the Angelic tongue caught his attention and he looked over to see Ebony on her knees with her head bent and her eyes closed by his bedside.  Clasped tightly in the woman’s hands were a string of beads and she rubbed the one between her thumbs.

            He squinted a little, sending another flash of pain through his scalp.  “Ebony?” he asked, Surprised when his voice came out hoarse and soft.

            She gasped, a visible ripple of surprise passing through her body before she shoved the beads into the front pocket of her jeans, drawing attention to her change of attire. Her ripped dress had been replaced with a pair of oversized jeans and shirt. “Gratias ago dues, (1) you’re awake. How’s your head?” she asked.

            His head felt like someone had taken a jackhammer to it. “Throbbing.”

            “I’ll get a doctor,” she said.  Before he could stop her, she was gone, a curtain swinging back into place in her wake.  She returned moments later with a man wearing a dirty lab coat.

            “Welcome back, Mr. Drake,” he said, grabbing the clip board from the end of the bed and flipping through the pages on it. “What seems to be the issue other than the massive gash in the back of your head and the bite on your neck?” He placed the clipboard back in the holder and looked at Drake curiously. “Your daughter here assures me that your particular species of,” he paused, as if trying to decide the correct term to use, “hybrid, metabolizes vampire venom and that we have no worry about you turning into a leech,” he grimaced, “well more of a leech, on us.”

            “My daughter,” he narrowed his eyes at Ebony, “is a very smart girl, just like her mother. And the issue seems to be the jackhammer dancing on my skull.” Ebony refused to make eye contact with him and focused her attention on something on the floor.

            “Ah.” The man removed a flashlight and shone it in Drake’s eyes. “There are no signs of concussion. I am going to give you some painkillers and then send you on your way,” He said after a few moments, slipping the flashlight into a pocket on his coat.

            Drake groaned, not from pain, but from knowing that he might not be able to pay the Doctor up front for services rendered.  “How much do we owe?” Drake asked sitting up.  He ripped the clip from his finger, resulting in a high pitched squeal from the infernal  machine, which the doctor quickly shut off.

            “Your daughter already paid in full, including medication costs,” the man said. He scribbled of a sheet of paper, handed it to Ebony and she pocketed it.  He excused himself, leaving them alone.

            “Oh course she did,” Drake said and looked at Ebony. "How?"

            Ebony took his hand and squeezed it once. “Stay here, Dad, I will go get your drugs and then we can go.” She vanished once more, leaving him alone.

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