Don't you worry, I'll be OK

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Because you seemed to have liked the previous chapters :) Xoxo Celestite :) Hope you enjoy!

'Not anymore,' Christain confirmed.

'Well, yeah.' I said, looking awkward. 

I hadn't really thought all that through. I mean, I was only in heaven for... what? A half an hour? I needed some time to think, but I wasn't quite used to the place yet to go off on my own. Christian was the only person I'd met so far.

I guess we weren't together anymore, me and Micah. I did end things with him, and I was dead, too. So it was deffinately safe to say we weren't dating. It wasn't possible now that I was in heaven.

Christian stared blankly at the screen for a few moments, then he looked over his muscular shoulders and waved someone over.

She was about my age, maybe a year older. Like Lucee. Oh, how I missed her already. I missed the way she laughed at me and Mandy, while we played childishly at the playground, I missed her thinking she was way cooler than me because she was a year older.

Anyways, the girl. She was a little bit shorter than me. My light brown hair was nothing compared to her beautiful golden-blonde locks that cascaded down her back. And my pale blue eyes looked plain and lifeless next too her honey colored ones.

I hoped to god that this wasn't Christians girlfriend.

She stuck out her french manicured hand to me, I took it. 'Hi, I'm Emilie,' I said, 'I'm new here,'

She let out a small giggle, 'Hi, I'm Josie!' She greeted me, beaming, 'I'm Christians sister.'

Wow. They were nothing alike. But they were both beautiful. 

I smiled back at her, glad she was only his sister, not his girlfriend. But it was strange how they were both so young and were in heaven.

'How did you die?' I blurted out, immediately regretting it. I put my hand over my mouth. 'I'm so sorry,' I said shyly.

'No, no. It's okay.' Christian spoke loudly, and gestured to his sister to tell the story.

'Wellllllll,' Josie started, taking a long pause, 'I took Christian to a hockey game for his birthday,'

She paused again, and I nodded. She continued, 'And on our way out of the parking lot, a drunk driver hit us. He didn't stop, we were killed instantly.'

I was at a loss for words. But after a moment I somehow managed to speak.

'That's horrible,'

'Coming from you,' Christian chuckled, 'Josie, did you hear? She got murdered tonight,'

I formed a  tight smile. He was right.

Josie looked over at me, with a your-just-kidding-right?- face. I shook my head from side to side.

She looked down and cleared her throat.

'Well, I have to go. See you later, Emilie.' She sing-songed, happy again.

She gave me a tight smile and waved at us as she walked off into a big wide open space of nothingness, her blonde curls bouncing as she left.

I looked over at Christian shyly, smiling as he put his muscular arm around my petit shoulder.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, and I really didn't. Micah couldn't even compete with Christian. He was beautiful and in the hour or so that I've known him so far, I knew he'd be in my 'life' for a while.

I had to face it. I wasn't going home. And Micah sure as heck wouldn't be coming up here. Plus, we broke up, so I was single as a penny in a parking lot.

I'd deffinately have to get used to all of this. But hey, I was flexible. I could pull it off, no doubt.

Christian slowly turned his head away from where his sister shortly disappeared into, and gazed deeply into my pale blue eyes. It felt so right. More right then anything ever.

We stood there like that, for what seemed like only seconds, but eventually I found out it had been 10 whole minutes, when the tv flashed back on.

It was in my kitchen, and my family was there, all of them. Well, almost all of them. Of course Lacee was the one missing from the family picture. Except for me.

Mom was crying into dad, her head resting on his shoulder. His face was blank, and expressionless, like it always was when he was on the verge of tears. Mandy was sitting down over on the couch, her face, like dads, expressionless.

I had to hand it to her, she could really hide her emotions. 

"Mom," She finally said, and I could finally hear the sadness and worry in her voice, "Where is Emilie? Why isn't she home yet?"

She finally broke down, tears streaming from her blue eyes falling down her cheeks. "I want my sister back,"

"We don't know," Dad said, saving mom from having to speak. Because we all know who can and who can't hold it together. Dad can, mom? Not so much.

Christian shut the tv off, then, pretty much reading my mind. As much as I wanted to see my family, I did not want to see my mom totally break down. Which Christian and I could both sense was about to happen.

I looked over at him, and he took my hand. Suddenly everything was better. All because of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2011 ⏰

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