I got my head in the clouds

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"Oh, wow." I breathed out, running my fingers through my hair.

I never could have guessed that Samantha, my bestfriends twin sister, would do such a thing. She was nerdy, mousy, and always looked a little afraid, who would have known she had the stomach to stab someone to death. I saw I side of Samantha I have never seen in anyone before. Sure, I've known bad kids before, but surely none of them would go as low as taking another persons life?

Oddly enough, I wasn't mad at her, a little sad maybe, from losing my family and friends, but I was not happy about it either, who would be? So I decided to shrug it off for now, I just wished I could let Micah or someone know what had happened. Even though Micah broke my heart, he was genuinly sorry. I could tell. I just wanted him back...

"Who is she?" Christian asked, interupting my thoughts.

I looked at the ground, embarrassed of what we just witnessed, of Samantha admitting her love to me. "My best friends sister, thats all," I shrugged.

He nodded knowingly, then looked into my eyes, I looked back into his. They were the clearest blue, the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. 

Suddenly, I thought accurred to me. Good? Bad? I didn't know.

"Christian," I breathed, "Is there any way I could see my friends, or my family?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew it was possible. I watched my death, haven't I? I've 'watched the past, surely I could watch the present. 

"Who would you like to see?" He asked, frowing. He knew who I was going to say before I did.


He snapped his fingers, and a keyboard appeared out of nowhere. He sat before it and typed in: Micah Andrews, 44 Almonde Dr., Memorial.

The television snapped on, making me jump a little, I quickly recovered and took a look at the screen.


Micah was walking home, he drank at the bar and was probably unable to get a drive home with anybody else. Even though his house was a half hour walk away from Pluggs, he still wouldn't drive. Micah was alot of things, handsome, charming, a heartbreaker, but he sure wasn't stupid.

He had his Blackberry in his hand, typing out a message to Jessica, the girl he was kissing at Pluggs, telling her he was stupid to think just one kiss wouldn't hurt, of how she wrecked everything and now he lost me forever. Little did he know he actually did, not just in a romantic way, I couldn't be there for him phisically either.

Next he typed out a message to me :Emilie, I know your mad at me, and you have all the reason to be. Please answer my calls. Meet me at our place at midnight?

I frowned at that. If I was alive, I would have gone, to at least hear him out. Now I will never get the chance to. He'll be waiting for me at our secret pond, waiting for the girl who won't come.

Our secret pon was located out deep inside the woods, we liked to think that it was just ours, that nobody had ever been there before. And I believed it. It was special. It was where Micah and I had our first kiss, our last kiss... . The pond housed different colored frogs and fish, I could sit there for hours with Micah and watch them go about their buisness. Care-free. I wish I was one of those worryless frogs.

I tried not to show how upset I was. But I should have because now shes mad at me and probably hates me. I love Emilie, so much. I didn't mean to hurt her.

He kept on walking, slighty slouching. I felt so bad, it seemed as though I hurt him so much, possibly more than he could ever hurt me. He was almost at the stopsign, the halfway point, when a redheaded figure in a black sweater walked across the road over to him.

"Hi Micah!" Cried Samantha, inoocently. No one knew she had just minutes ago killed me an through me off a cliff. Awesome. 

"Hey there. Have you seen Emilie around? I haven't seen her since we faught." He asked, wiping the traces of hurt off his face effortlessly.

That was the moment of truth, either she would tell him the truth about me, or flat out lie. She chose the second one. "Can't say I have," She looks around the street, and Micah raises an eyebrow as if he knows shes lying.

"Your sure?" He clarifies.

"Yep!" She lied yet again.

Damn, she was great at lying, was it a game to her. I remember Janelle Smith, a girl in my third grade class who'd mysteriously gone missing. Three years later they finally found her body about a mile off the highway. I wonder if Samantha killed her, too. They were pretty good friends up until three weeks before she'd gone missing. I never would have made this connection, but knowing the things I know now, it's very likely.

That was it, I've had quite enough.

"Stop it." I demanded, he didn't stop it yet, only typed something in the keyboard. "Damnit Christian, stop it!" He pressed the final button and the screen escaped. I guess he was stopping it all along. Oops.

"Sorry," He muttered.


"Show me my family," I asked, trembling.


The whole family sat there in our crowded living room in the house that I grew up in along with my two sisters, Lacee and Mandy. 

Lacee was one year older than me and so beautiful. She had lucious wavy blonde hair that flowed down gravefully to her back and gorgeous blue eyes. When she was sad they became even bluer, if that was even possible. Her eyes were very blue at that moment.

Mandy was a couple years younger than me and didn't get along well with Lacee, I was always the peace keeper. What will they do with out me? Mandy had short wispy honey brown hair that glowed in the light, she had big blue eyes that she could hide anything behind. Every day on our way home from school we used to skip down the streets home, singing songs together, laughing, while Lacee stood in the back and pretended she didn't know us.

That was years ago, though. I was barely fifteen and already dead. But I had an amazing life.

Mom sat in her usual knitting chair knitting franticly with a worried expression across her face. Dad looked up from the television and noticed mom. He asked her:

'Honey, what' wrong?'

'Oh, it's just that Emilie isn't home yet and her kerfew was twenty minutes ago. I'm worried, John.' She sighed.

'If were lucky she got hit by a truck and she's dead,' Lacee blurted out. That really hurt me. It stung all right.

Mandy bursted in to tears.

That was more like it. I didn't like seeing her cry but it sure was better than hoping I'd get hit by a truck.

I guess Lacee got lucky, though. She got the second part right on. I was dead. Lucky her.

'Lacee, go.' Dad commanded, pointing down the hall to her bedroom door. She rolled her eyes quickly and stomped off into her room that we unfortunately shared.

He went up to Mom and motioned for Mandy to do the same and he hugged them both and whispered that it would be okay.


I couldn't watch any more. Any minute mom would start jumping to conclusions and I didn't want to see her like that.

'That;s enough,' I told Christian.

He nodded.

'So,' He taunted, 'You got a boy friend,'

'Not anymore.' I said.

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