I end at the beginning

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"Micah , you don't get it do you ? This isn't a game , maybe your up for playing , but I'm not , it's over." I stood there in the crisp autumn air, feeling chilly and crushed, facing my now ex-boyfriend. Tears filled my ice blue eyes as I caught up with what I just told him. I had to do it, no matter how much it hurt. No matter how much I still loved him.

I looked up searching for the boy I once knew, or at least I thought I did. His once soft, sweet expression was now hardened and unreadable, his warm brown eyes were glossy as he nodded and said, "Bye, Emilie."

What broke my heart even more was that he didn't seem the least bit upset. 

Tears streamed down my face, faster now, I didn't even try to hold them back. He scanned his eyes along the stone path as if he was fascinated in the pattern of the white-grey rocks. 

I ran my fingers through my pale blonde hair and glared at him impatiently, willing him to speak again. But he was silent.

"How could you?" I sneered, "I trusted you."

He looked up into my eyes for just a second, and right then and there, all of my love for him poured back into me. His deep warm brown eyes, his slightly messy light brown hair. He still smelled like beer and Jessica LeMoine from the club he was just at.

"I-I don't know," He managed to say.

Was that all he had to say? Really?

My bestfriends Kyndra Benn and Jamee Jobes suggested we'd go to Plugs, the teen club in town for a girls night. Spotlights danced around the room like a circus, teens dancing on the floor. It smelled of cheap liquor and sweat. But it was the perfect scene.

I went to go get us some shots at the bar, but then I saw noneother than Micah Andrews, my boyfriend, making out with Jessica LeMoine, who just happened to be my worst enemy. 

I strutted up to the furiosly, various kids in the crowd stopping what they were doing and looking at me. Everyone knew Micah and I were a couple. Everyone

Jessica saw me before Micah and gave me a grin, knowing how this was affecting me. She didn't stop, in fact, she kissed him harder, and he seemed to be enjoying it. I walked up to them and glared at Micah until he noticed that his girlfriend had just seen everything. 

"I-I can explain." He stuttered out, guilty.

"Let's go for a walk, Micah. Now." I suggested,

At first I was furious, angry at the least, but after I was just plain sad. He betrayed me, and I hated myself for thinking he loved me, too.

And little did I know that would be the last time I saw him, in a very long long time.


I was running through the park that night, leaves crunching beneath my feet, alone, and scared. The moon was full that night and I could hear wolves singing to it in the distance, which frightened me even more. I heard something in the bushed, turned to look back, but still running as fast as my legs could carry me, and tripped on something. I didn't remember waking up at all.


I didn't know heaven existed, until now, I didn't know how I got there, or if I'd fit in.

I found myself dressed in a loose white shirt and pant, instead of what I thought I was wearing to the club, which I thought was a frilled blue shirt, dark denim jeans, and platform heels. Standing at a large, beautiful golden gate. Was it a dream? No. But at first I was sure it was. In shimmering golden letters across the gate wrote 'heaven'.

Was this heaven? I couldn't see grass or anything on the ground beneath me, I could only see what appeared to be white clouds. But that was impossible, right?

Was I dead? How did I die? These were the questions that filled my mind.

I slowly looked all around me, looking for someone who could help me, explain what all of this was. Maybe a hospital? Some joke?  But there was no one. So I lifted my arms up from my side, and pushed the big gate open.

Inside, it was all white and the ground also appeared to be cloud, and so clean. I looked to my left, and spotted what I imagined was an angel, since it was apparently heaven here. I was right.

"Hello, Emilie," A winged figure with beautiful blue eyes spoke, "My name is Christian."

"Hi, um, how did I die? I mean, if you know," I said awkwardly, "And, how did I get here?"

"How about I show you?" He replied, ignoring my last question and taking my hand and leading me over to what looked like a white flatscreen tv, sitting me down on a white couch in front of it.

"Wow, do you guys have cable here?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood by joking around.

He chuckled genuenly and pushed back his sandy blonde hair out of his clear blue eyes.

Then he turned to the screen, pressed a few buttons, and we watched.

You had me at hello& lost me at goodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now