Chapter 1

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"Rachel, Rachel! Daddy said to get ready for soccer practice!" My adorable little sister said.
"Okay, Lila, tell daddy I'll be ready in five minutes," I said, and gave her a pat on the head, then ran upstairs.

I got my soccer uniform on, then headed back downstairs.

"Dad, I'm ready, where are you?" I asked. Dad was out of sight.
"I'm right here, Rachel, go wait in the car, I'll be there in a second," he said.

I headed out the door, I got in the car, and waited for dad. I waited awhile for him, until he didn't come, so I went back inside.

"Dad, why aren't you coming- woah, dad, are you okay?" I asked. Dad was moving back and forth like he was about to faint. It's been happening a lot lately, but he says he's fine.

I don't believe him.

"I'm going to be fine, come on," he replied, opening his eyes, and trying to keep his balance. We got in the car.

"Dad, why do you keep having dizzy spells?" I asked, concerned. There was something he wasn't telling me.

"I don't know, but whatever is happening to me, I need you to not worry about me, okay, honey?"
I wasn't sure if he was okay, but I had to stay strong. For him.

"Oh, okay. I'm trying out for the Red Dragons team this year, do you think I'll make it?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'm proud of you, kiddo!"

I grinned. Dad was the bravest, most coolest person I knew. Sure, he was my dad, and most people would think it was weird, but I look up to him.


After arriving, I ran over to my friends.

"Hey guys! What team are you all trying out for?" I asked.

"Hey Ray! I'm trying out for the Red Dragons! I'm extremely nervous, aren't you? You look calm," Bridget said.
Bridget and I have been friends since we were five, and we're still friends now, she hasn't changed a bit. She's still the girliest girl I know!

"Bridget, I am trying out for the same team!" I said, excited, not nervous.

"Wow, if we both make it, we don't have to play against each other, we can play soccer, together!"

"Oh, I'm trying out for the same team," Dianna, said.

Most of them were trying out for the same team as me.

"That's cool! We can be teammates!" I said, with a smile on my face.

I have a lot of problems in my life, I am a Christian, but life's tough, and I have to stay strong for my dad, I can't let him know that my life is complicated.

"Oh. You know, the Red Dragons is the best team, they always win," Dianna said, she likes playing against me, she's competitive.

I gave her an odd look.

"Anyways, guys, my dad has been having dizzy spells lately, and he doesn't seem to be healthy, can you guys pray for him, please?" I asked.

"Rachel, you know we're not religious," Georgie, one of the girls said.

"It's not religious, it's a Relationship! Would I really spend my life, living a lie?"

"Y-" Bridget was about to say, until I gave her a cruel look, "No," she shook her head.

"Yes, you would. I know you, Rachel, you're hopeful," Dianna said.

"That's hurtful, because I'm not stupid, I know Who I'm living for," I said.


"Come on," Georgie said, and we walked over to the field.


When we got home, dad tried to make food, but I offered to. He told me not to worry about him, but I still do.
Sure, I'm thirteen, but I can cook...some foods.

"Honey, are you sure about this?" asked dad, worried I'd get burnt.

"Yes, dad! Don't you trust me?"

He didn't reply, so I rolled my eyes.

After a while of making burnt food, remaking it, over, and over, and over, the meatloaf was finally not burnt!

"Lunch is served!" I said, and sat the food on the table.

As dad took a bite of his food, he said, "Wow, honey, this is great, are you sure you made this?" he joked.

I grinned, "Glad you like it."

After lunch, I went up to my room, to study my Bible.
I needed some time with Jesus.

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