Chapter 1: The Beginning

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December 20, 2013
"Nattie get up ! We gotta leave for school" a familiar voice repeated themselves ... 5 times.

"Ten more minutes" I muzzled putting my face into the pillow.

"Nat get up its 7:00 am" the voice said.

"Alright I don't have to be at school until 8:00 10 more minutes" I yelled.

Plop. A pillow hit me .

"Alright fucker I'm up" I said holding my hands.

"What'd  you just call me? " Shawn questioned.

"Fucker" I repeated sticking my tongue at him and that's when he started to tickle me.

"Shawn!! Stop- I- need- get- ready-for- school- !" I tried saying in-between laughs.

"Only! if you say sorry for calling me a fucker" Shawn pointed at me.

"I'm sorry for calling you a fucker" I pleaded still chuckling a bit .

"Easy, I'll be downstairs with momma #2 while you get ready!" he said quickly before he left from my room.

After doing the essentials, I put on my favorite creme  colored oversized sweater, black leggings, brown leather boots, and gray infinity scarf. I blowed dried my hair and loosely curled it. For makeup, I put some mascara, curled my eyelashes and put on some lipgloss.

"Shawn I'm ready!" I screamed at the top of the stairs.

"Then come down!" Shawn yelled back but I could feel him smirking.

"Stop smirking, you ass" I said coming downstairs with my backpack. As soon as I said that my mom gave me a look. Oop.

"Aww how'd you know?" he cheekily smiled.

"I've know you since before I was walking .. are you seriously asking me how I knew you were smirking right now?" I questioned.

"Fair enough." Shawn shrugged.

"Shit we're gonna be late again ! " I chuckled grabbing his arm before telling my sister and dad bye.


"Can I get on your back?"

"So you could break my back?" He laughed shaking his head.

"Please" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Fine, but if my back breaks you're paying my hospital bills". he told me laughing.

"Are you calling me fat ?" I asked shockingly.

"No never ! As a man I would never ! Now if you were a boy .. maybe." Shawn reassured me.

"Thanks Shawny boy, you always know what to say" I smiled before jumping on his back.

" Shawny boy?" He asked

"I don't know" I said causing him to laugh.


"Shawn !" I squealed laughing as he ran into the school.

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