Chapter Twenty-One

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The span of five days went by in less than an hour, in Mesonii's point of view. In that time, she had accomplished absolutely nothing but call Sankra and say that she found a squad they could join.

Putting forth the effort to do things about what was going to occur today was hard. The past nights, while Aunt Pesto snored away, she just laid there, thinking about what this could do for her, for Sankra, for Peppie and Delpha, Guppi, everyone. Would there be a rise in morales if she just left the problem with Squidforce alone? Or was her sudden apathy going to cause trouble?

Her improvised argument to not taking action yet was that Inia and Odonto Cetacea were likely the most volcanic inklings to ever walk Inkopolis, and couldn't deal with mail unless if it was to stroke their ego. Especially Inia.

The eggs weren't going to wait for anyone. Mesonii caught herself dwelling again, and she freaked as the caviar eggs began to turn into a blacker shade than typical.

Before the incident at Camp Triggerfish, she despised cooking. Dreaded it. There was no way she could believe Aunt Pesto liked it as a job with all the stress that came along with it. But ever since she burned her first egg to celebrate getting back on the field, she had to try again. This was a minimal improvement, but Mesonii still found herself reaching into the spice cabinet for salt.

Alone, the mint inkling poured herself orange juice, plated the egg, and ate in silence. She was still in disbelief that today would be the day- she would actually be in a squad! A squad with players who never changed, nobody in anonymity or stranger status; the feeling was swell.

The excitement built up inside and she couldn't help but chow down the egg and juice as fast as she could. Then, she rushed to the sink to wash, and sprinted back to the bedroom to get her Splash-O-Matic.

Mesonii, like a bomb on impact, burst through the doors of her apartment and headed to the streets. With her Splatfest shirt on, it almost felt as if there were no reasons to think of any sort of feeling in the world but determination.


"I'm really sorry, honey, that I have to be out without you. It's Splatfest, and well, Splatfest."

Mr. Emerit attempted to button down his best bus-driving jacket, fiddling at it with his sand-crab claws that lacked thumbs.

Seeing her father's dilemma, Sankra walked over to him, knelt down, and finished buttoning the last three in sight. She always found it weird how tall she was compared to him.

"Thank you, dear," Mr. Emerit praised. He began to look at his daughter's hair, a mint color and certainly one she wouldn't take up normally. "I've never seen a hue like that before. They're trying to go all out on this fest, I see?"

Sankra stroked her ponytail, also taking note of its shade. "It was either this or that weird purple."

"I think purple would look wonderful on you, Sankra."

She blushed initially, but caught herself and heaved a sigh. "Well, you know me, Dad. I'm not that 'friend' type, right?"

"Except for Mesonii. She's your friend, and maybe the people in the squad she was mentioning. Try your best to acquaint to them, ok?"

"If I don't die from embarrassment first." Sankra then let out a small laugh.

"Enough of that, you. I bet you're going to have a wonderful time." Still somewhat disappointed, Mr. Emerit began to walk to the front door. "Have a good day! I love you, Sankra. Please don't die from embarrassment. That wouldn't be fuuuuun!"

She cracked a tiny grin out of her father's sing-songy-ness as she grabbed her Splat Charger and he walked out the door.


Delpha looked at the mint-colored shirt on her dresser and frowned. Reluctantly, she took it in her hands and slipped it over her chest, as the "Splatfest Magic" resonated and turned her hair the color of the shirt.

She questioned why she could harbor these feelings. This wasn't her at all- the Delpha she knew was cool and chill, but now she was questioning her every move.

Maybe it was the idea she gave to her parents. Perhaps it was their willingness to accept it for what happened earlier. But surely, it couldn't have come from her new Splatling- still of the miniature variety, but branded by the sportswear company Zink.

"Delpha! Let's go already!" Peppie called from downstairs. Afterwards, the voices of multiple relatives bellowed like an acapella group.

She vyed for one more minute to herself, but as the newest member of the Cetacea Level 50 club, the inevitable was that they'd come and get her themselves. Soon, the gatling was in her hands as she descended down the stairs.

The crowd was humongous. Almost the entire inkling family was clad in the blue-violet color used for the opposition, and Peppie and Guppi, in their contrasting shirts, stuck out like a sore thumb.

Delpha had her eyes set on her brother and his friend, but as she walked, she couldn't help but hear the multitude of complements fire off. "Ready to walk, dear?" "I know you'll do wonders." "Man, I hope I don't play against you. That would be scary." She had to keep count of the number of thanks she shot back in return.

"They really do like you, yeah?" Peppie noted while he fastened his bandana around his nose. 

"I guess so. You ready, Guppi?"

"As you are ready."

She gulped at his response. I'm not ready for this at all. As one of the leaders of the group beckoned onwards, her heart drummed. Too late to turn back now.

Guess I might as well play the part.

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