Chapter Five

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I looked down unfocused and inattentive until I heard someone call my name concerned and wrap a towel around my shoulders. "Allison?" The voice sounded familiar. "Allison." I snapped out of my thoughts, widen my eyes a bit, and looked up at him. It was Oliver.

"I can't go back to Central City." I say.

"What happened?" Oliver asked.

"I can't say. Yet." I answer, "I can't stay in Starling either."

"Ally, please. Stay." He said as I was shaking my head. "Stay for me." I look at him and bury my head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck with my hands holding onto the collar of his leather jacket. I didn't want to let go for fear of breaking down.

"Okay." I murmur quietly as he hug me back. I pull away gently and take off running really fast out of the building and down the road, faster than I've ever gone. I saw a mirage of me running beside me as I watch it and then speed even faster.

I stopped at Central City, breathless. What was that? Barry called my cell phone as I hesitantly answer it. "Hey. Where are you? Joe's at the STAGG Industries and armed men shooting is happening there. How fast can you get here?" Barry said.

"What?" I murmur confused, "I thought we already took care of that, Barry."

"What? No. Are you okay, Allison? Just get over here, please." Barry answered on the other line.

"Okay, okay." I reply as we hang up. I run and go change into my costume and put my hair up in my ponytail, sliding my hood and mask over my face. Whenever I had went really fast to where I saw a mirage of myself, I must have broke the sound barrier and time travelled to almost to the beginning of the day. It's a do-over.

Alright, keep my mouth shut and watch Wells and protect Barry and don't trust Wells this second time. I made it to the warehouse that they was in just in time as I stole the armed men's guns away from them and dropped it on the floor a few feet from them.

"Hey." I say to my cousin.

He smiled a little and looked over at Joe and ordered, "Get out of here now."

"No." Joe said as Barry rushed him out and came back inside. He launched himself at Thamin Black and punched him, only making him make more copies of himself.

Barry was kicked and punched and slung to the wall. I ran over to the main Thamin Black and grab his arm, feeling something change inside of me. Again.

My hand started to glow red as he fell to his knees as I let go and collapse to the floor as well. He slowly stood back on his feet, his duplicates vanished, as Barry faced him. "What did you do to her?" Barry asked.

"I didn't do anything." Black answered, trying to duplicate again, "I can't clone. What did she do to me?"

Barry took him to a jail cell and locked him up and ran back to his cousin, picking her up, and ran to Star labs quickly. "Hang on, Ally." He muttered.

"Something happened to Allison." Barry said, rushing into Star labs and laying his cousin down on a bed. "She had grabbed Black, who happens to be another metahuman, by his arm and then she collapsed and he can't use his power anymore."

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