Author's Note

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for choosing to read my fanfiction! I will explain Allison's past in time, but for now I guess it will be in the present.

Tell me what you think of the story so far or if you just need to talk about anything, I'm here also. Alrighty, well then, I guess I'll let you get back to the story.

And I'll try and update as soon as I can. I know what it's like to keep waiting for the author to post something and never do. It's terrible.

Don't be afraid to comment and vote, I don't bite. But if you don't read, Allison Allen may sneak up to you and scare you.

Can I get the reader now?

No, Allison. You may not.

Allison sighed and muttered, "Fine. I won't. Yet." Then she walked out of the room.

Great. She left. Allison, hey! Come back! Oh well.

I know, the summary does pretty much suck, but I'm never good with the whole summarizing thing.

This time, for real, back to the story.

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