Chapter Three

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This is the part where I do the whole intro thingy. Allison Allen, fastest woman alive, but you know all of that already.

I fixed my leather suit to where it was now black and blue with a blue hood attached to the shoulders. I slid it on and pulled on my black boots and put my mask over my eyes and hood over my head. I slid my bow over my shoulders and my quiver of arrows across my back.

I took off running and spotted a burning building, where Barry had ran in already. I ran in after him and helped him with the people trapped in there. Help. I'm stuck under these boards. Please. I heard someone's thoughts in the burning building.

I ran in a room where a fourteen year old boy was trapped under a big pillar. It looked like it weighed around one hundred seventy pounds. I grab it with both hands and easily lift it enough where he could crawl out. I threw it aside and help him up, running us out of the building. I put him down on the sidewalk and ran away as did Barry.

We stopped a couple of blocks. "Everybody is out. What else you got for us, Cisco?" Barry said in his earpiece.

"Barry, it's Caitlyn." Caitlyn replied back.

"Heeeeey, Caitlyn. How's your day?" Barry said a little nervously.

"Get back to Star labs. Now!" Caitlyn replied.

We start to run but only stopped and leaned against the wall, holding our heads. "You felt like that too, right?" Barry asked me as I nodded my head.

We shake that feeling of dizziness off and speed over to Star labs. Within seconds, we arrived in the room that Caitlyn and Cisco was in. "Hey Caitlyn."  We both say.

"Have you three lost your minds? Who do you think you are?" Caitlyn questioned.

"Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and they're the feet." Cisco answered.

"What do you think you two are doing? We agreed on taking down metahumans, not running around playing hero." Caitlyn replied.

"We are going to help with other metahumans, but if we can save people along the way, then we're gonna do it, right Barry?" I say.

"Right." He commented, "By the way, cool costume."

"Thanks. You too." I said.

"Caitlyn's right." Dr. Wells stated, wheeling in the room as we face him, "I must advise you to caution restraint."

"Dr. Wells, I doubt you got to where you're at with restraint." Barry said.

"In a wheelchair, lack of restraint got me here. It is what made me these things. Know your limits." Wells replied.

"Don't expect me to patch you guys up every time you break something." Caitlyn added.

"Hey, um, did anything happen out there?" Cisco asked us, "The sensors in the suit picked up on a spike of your vitals."

"No." Barry answered just as I added, "Nothing."

"Never felt better." Barry continued just as his phone buzzed and Cisco handed it to him. "Hey Joe, everything alright?"

"Great. Fresh crime scene, a dead body, detectives interviewing witnesses. I'm only missing two things. Can you guess what they are?" Joe said on the other line.

"Allison and I. Sorry, Joe. We'll be right there." Barry replied, hanging up and looking at me, "Our day job beckons." We zoomed out of there, making papers fly off of the long table.

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