Chapter 10

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Sasuke sat with his chin rested in his palm in his spot at the counter in Mirabell's cafe. He watched as Ayame flurried around the room doing her usual routine, cleaning the tables, refilling the salt and pepper shakers, replacing the old serviette with fresh new ones and wiping down the coasters. Two weeks slipped by easily since their date and Sasuke had taken her out to the theater yesterday for a second date and by Sasuke's opinion it went well. They'd arrived five minutes early, got some snack food, watched the play and at the end on the walk home Sasuke asked her to officially be his girlfriend which she accepted in a stuttering red mess.

During his time in the small town Sasuke made a life here, sometimes he was afraid to sleep in fear that this entire thing had been nothing but a dream but he would wake up in the morning to the smell of coffee and fresh pastries with a feeling of relief. During the evenings Sasuke and Amaya went out on a walk through the town, today had been no different. They walked down the main street that ran through the town, past the school and daycare, through the park, past the farms, through the residential area and back along the beach, passing the small wharf and back towards the cafe.

When they got back to the cafe Sasuke recognized a black mustang sat out side the cafe he wanted to think nothing of it, it could belong to anyone but he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling the presence it bought upon him. Sasuke opened the door for Amaya and followed her into the cafe. "Welcome back" Mirabell's voice greeted them. She stood behind the counter polishing one to the many tea sets, they had a customer too, an unwelcome one in Sasuke's opinion.

"Hello little brother" Itachi greeted. He shouldn't have been surprised and in a way, he wasn't, Sasuke knew it would only be a matter of time before they managed to track him down but despite that fact he had hoped he had been wrong. Sasuke watched Itachi take a sip from his tea cup and place it back down, "I'ts been a while." Itachi said, "Three months and twenty-five days." Sasuke replied in an emotionless tone. Amaya looked to Sasuke from beside him in confusion and shock, Sasuke never talked about his family but suddenly someone who had called Sasuke his 'Little brother' was sat in their tea shop, she didn't know what to do. 

Sasuke gave Itachi a glare, one that Itachi noticed wasn't as fearsome as the ones he was used to receiving, it made Itachi think about what could have happened to Sasuke that would ease his unrest.

Sasuke grabbed Amaya's hand and pulled her to the door that led to the house behind the cafe. He stopped at the doorway and looked back to his elder brother, "Go away" His voice only held annoyance, he closed the door behind him, Mirabell's hearty laughter rung out from behind the door. Amaya stood in front of him with an eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip in a silent question, instead of giving her the answer she wanted he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers quickly, smirking at her blush and led her to the couch where he sat in his favorite corner. Amaya sighed at Sasuke's behavior  before giving up and sitting beside him, he would tell her when he was ready.

Meanwhile, a startled Itachi sat out in the cafe. He looked to the older lady who wore a smug expression. He was confused about what he should do now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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