Chapter 2

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It had been nine days since Sasuke had left and now he was driving along Konoha's borders and the Suna desert. He had all of his windows down and he passed the speed limit on the road trying to beat the heat with a cool breeze and only slowed down when he was passing an on-coming car witch rarely ever happened considering the road he was on was nearly as deserted as the desert beside him.

After the sun had set he was lost, no longer in the fire country's land and he wasn't in any desert so he wasn't in Suna but despite being lost he kept driving until he stumbled upon a small looking town. It wasn't as grand as Konoha but it was along a coast and Sasuke could see a beach and some small shops on the other side as well as a small looking school, there were children on the playground and chasing eachother in fits of laughter. The sight bought a sense of nostalgia to Sasuke remembering the times when he and his friends played like that, when life was simple.

Sasuke pulled over to a café and turned off his car. He glanced at the sign above the café, it read 'Mirabel's', he continued into the café and sat at one of the tables with his head on his hand and his elbow resting on the table, he gazed off out the window getting lost in his thoughts about what his friends were doing at the moment, did they even know he left? surely Naruto suspected him for bailing on their usual Saturday night drinking and gaming. Hinata, Naruto's girlfriend, never approved of their Saturdays and she hated that both Sasuke and Naruto smoked as well as drinking their nights away. So Naruto cut back to the point he only ever drank on the Saturdays with Sasuke.

Sasuke couldn't understand why Naruto gave up for a girl, then again he was never serious in relationships, not once did it cross his mind when he dated the girls form his school. Maybe because they were all fan girls, but he needed something to keep his mind off his troubles besides the alcohol.

"Hello there" A voice disturbed his thoughts and Sasuke looked over to the girl on his left. She has a small note book in her hand and a pen in the other, she had long curly blond almost white hair that went down past her waist and bright golden eyes that reflected the kind smile she had across her lips. "Would you like to order something, sir?" Her voice was even and full of confidence and rung out like bells.

"Just a Black coffee and a tomato and cheese sandwich" He said and she nodded "That's seven dollars" he gave her the money in a ten dollar note and she left. After a few minutes she returned with his order and set it on the table and gave him his change with the same smile she said goodbye and left his sight.

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