Chapter 9

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In his opinion the date was going to be a catastrophe. He had never actually took a girl out for a proper date before, there hadn't been girls he wanted to go out and be with so at the moment his confidence was a little low. He stood waiting at the front of the cafe, shuffling nervously from one foot to another.

The sun was just starting to set and the sky was illuminated with a delicate orange and pink tinge. The bell from the door opening chimed lightly, Ayame walked out of the little cafe glanced at Sasuke nervously, then to her shoes and back at Sasuke. In that moment he had wondered what exactly was going on inside her head, Sasuke pushed those thoughts aside and extended his hand for her to take. She took it with a gentle smile and they both started to walk along the footpath. Sasuke looked at her from the corner of his eye and he had noticed that she was wearing a light sky blue shirt that had some sort of puffiness to it, a thin coat decorated in flowers, darker blue three-quarter pants and golden sandals, it wasn't often that he saw her in clothing other than her favorite blue and white dress. "So where are we going?" She questioned in a curious manner. Sasuke glanced at her with a loose smile "Patience" he taunted and his smile turned into a smirk at her pouting face.

They continued walking for a few minutes until Sasuke started to take the lead and took her over to the sandy shore "The beach?" She questioned, Sasuke released her hand and went to a part of the dunes he had memorized and pulled out a small basket form behind the plants and a blanket that was set on the top of it he set out the blanket on the sand and sat on it, patting the spot next to him. She sat on the blanket and looked out to the ocean as it tried to reflect the multi-colored sky above, she glanced back to him as he fiddled with a few of the items in the basket and pulled out a few sandwiches, he gave one to her and they both ate peacefully in a comfortable silence after they sat back and watched the now visible stars casually talking and telling stories of their past and stupid moments.

"Do you..." Sasuke started "Do you like this?" he asked her without looking in her direction, "Yeah. Its sweet" She replied and looked in his direction. A light blush had dusted his cheeks, she giggled lightly "So you don't think it's, ah.. corny?" He practically forced the words out of his throat, "Maybe a little" She answered honestly and sat up "But I wouldn't have had it any other way" She finished. Sasuke watched her for a few more seconds before the blush started to fade from his cheeks and sat up too, he rummaged through the basket and pulled out a lighter first. Ayame frowned slightly, hoping to anyone who was listening that she was just jumping to conclusions and thankfully she was.

Her face brightened as Sasuke pulled out a packet of sparklers "I found them in my car the other day. Leftover from last years fireworks probably" He lit her one first then his. He watched as she got up and danced with the sparkler, making patterns and spinning with it. He got up and joined her catching her free hand and dropped the sparkler into the wet sand, he pulled her closer to him and gently twirled her in a slow turn, he slowly lowered her in a small dip and held her there for a few seconds before pulling her back into him. He paused and hesitated before he ducked to her and gently brushed his lips to hers, he lingered there for a few moments before pulling back. He looked at her red face illuminated with a soft glow by her firework and smiled the most he ever had, his heart thundered in his cheats and his veins burned with a strange emotion that burned his body in the most pleasant way possible. She felt him tug at her hand as he started to lead her away and his words rang through her.
"Let's go home now"

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