Drabble No.4

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She was tired of seeing the suffering. Everyday, she had witnessed a horrible atrocity right in front of her eyes, whether it be before a screen or in person.
She wanted it to end. So she fought, fought and fought. Whether it be for others, such as regular human rights, or for herself. She just didn't want to see sad faces anymore.
She couldn't take it. No matter how hard she struggled, nothing changed. The earth still spun. People still suffered. People still lived off of others suffering.
She crumbled. She clawed at her eyes so she couldn't see. She clawed so much that she saw empty black. But there was happiness in that. She took the black void as Serenity.
She now lay in a coffin as pale as the moon. She will be remembered. She will be forgotten. One thing that they remembered her once for, was her eyes.
She had bright shining eyes, but now empty, where flowers take their place.

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