14) Welcome Home

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Emma's POV

I was taking care of Henry in the morning getting him breakfast when there was a knock on the door.

"Is someone coming over?" Henry asks me.

"No hang on." I tell him going to the door.

I opened the door and there was a girl and a man.

"Emma hey." The girl says.

"Do I know you?" I ask her.

"Its me Maeve." She says to me.

"Oh my god really. Its been so long." I say hugging her.

"Right you dont remember." She says.

"Umm what?" I ask.

"Nothing. Can we come in?" She asks me.

"Sure, but who is this?" I asks pointing at the man.

"Just my friend." She tells me.

"Well come on in." I say to them.

They walked in and Henry saw them he looked confused.

"Mom who are they." Henry asks.

"Umm remember that baby and child I took care of. Well this is her." I say to him.

"Well hello." Henry says to her.

"Its nice to meet you." She says to him.

"Well he has school and I have work, but you two are welcome to stay for a little." I tell them.

"Thanks." She says to me.

Maeve's POV

Emma and Henry left and it was just me and Hook. I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"Well we are alone." He says coming close to me.

"Stop it. Whats the plan how do we get Emma back? I ask him.

"Well we have to get her to drink this." He says holding a small bottle.

"Whats that?" I ask him.

"Its a memory potion. We give to her and she will remember." He tells me.

"Well thats good." I say.

"So wanna do something?" He asks with a smirk.

"Not really." I tell him.

"Come on we're alone. We are her together." He says.

"Hook stop it." I say slapping his arm.

He walked away and sat on the couch. God what is he deal. After a few hours Emma came back.

"Hey." She says.

"Emma wanna try something?" I ask her.

"What?" She asks confused.

"This is a new engery drink I got and I think its great, but he hates it. Will you be the tie breaker?" I ask holding up the bottle.

"Sure." she says and takes it.

She drank it and looked at us.

"Evie, Hook." She says.

"Welcome back." I say to her.

We had to make out way to Storybrooke. I sat in the back with Henry and he fell asleep. Once Emma pulled over everyone but Henry got out.

"So what did this curse do?" She asks.

"We dont know." Hook says putting his hook back on.

"God damn it really." I say to him.

"Dont scare Henry. Evie come with me." She says.

I followed her to Mary-Margaret and David's place. When Emma knocked on the door David answered and he remembered us. Damn it.

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