5) Follow The Dark One

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Emma's POV

Well over the last few weeks Cora posed as Regina and made us think that she killed Doctor Hopper and now she is in hiding. We were in the hospital after Hook shot Belle and got hit by a car and now we are waiting on the man that hit him to see if he is okay.

"Well we have to save this man." Mary-Margaret says.

"Or let him die." Leroy says.

"No we cant do that he might have a family that will miss him." David says.

"Or tell people about this place and we become a tourist attraction." Leroy adds on.

"Okay well we did everything we could. He is going to be fine and is awake." Dr.Whale says.

"Okay Im talking to him. David and Leroy go make sure Mr.Gold doesnt come near Belle we dont need her freaking out. Mary-Margaret and Ruby go check on Belle letting her know she is okay." I say to them and they walk off in other directions.

"Wow your getting good and being the boss." Evie tells me.

"I was going to have you take over watching Henry from Granny, but now just for the attitude you can go talk to your new best friend Captain Hook." I say to her.

"I rather throw myself out the clock tower." She says.

"Maeve now!" I demand.

"Fine." She says rolling her eyes and walking away.

Maeve's POV

Emma was so demanding and well if I didnt go in she wouldnt know, but then that damn pirate would sell me out. I opened the door and saw him there he saw me and got the sicken smirk on his face.

"Damn your still alive." I say walking in.

"Dont deny your happy Im still alive. Well what can I say Love Im a survivor." He tells me.

"Look you Hook is gone, your handcuffed to the bed, and your in massive pain. So I looks as if all that time calling me love my wishes for you to suffer came true." I tell him.

"Wow your a nasty little soul arnt you?" He asks.

"Your the first to ever say that and if you say it again. I'll let the dark one tare you lim from lim. Got it Captain." I say to him.

"I dont know weather to be scared of you or turned on by you." He says.

I walked right out the door. I made my way over to Emma and she looked at me and she knew that he had pushed a bottom.

"Dont say a word." I say to her.

We made our way back to Mary-Margaret's place and saw Henry. Already wide awake when there was a knock on the door and David answers it.

"What do you want?" David asks the person.

"Nothing from you, but your daughters they still have favors to repay." Mr.Gold says walking in.

"What is it you want us to do?" I ask him.

"I need you two to help me find my son. He is in the city of New York, but I dont know the way around it and you two have been there." He says.

"And you want to leave now?" Emma asks.

"Longer I stay here the closer I am to killing that pirate." He says.

"Cant you kill him and then we help you." I says.

Emma slaps my arm.

"Sure thing Evie and I will help you." She tells him.

When he came back he saw we have t bring Henry with us, because with Cora running around Emma didnt think it would be safe for him. Well now all of us have to make our way to New York by following the dark one.

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