11) Ship

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Maeve's POV

I had asked Hook for a walk because for some reason he is just easy to talk to. I dont know what it is about him, but its just easy.

"So you plan on killing me out here?" He asks.

"Not yet." I joke.

"So why do you wanna go for a walk with me?" He asks.

"Well you said you wanted to know what Pan meant. Well would you like to know?" I ask him.

"Sure tell me." He says.

"Well after Emma left me I was stuck alone and I thought I would never see her again. I got into some families where they were sticked and some that were rude. They were that kind of bad." I tell him.

Hook's POV

I could tell that there was more to this story then she wants to tell, but Im going to respect her secrets when she wants to tell me she can.

"Wanna go to my ship?" I ask her.

"Are you sure thats a good idea?" She asks me.

"What? Afraid you dad will find out?" I ask her.

"He isnt the boss of me." She says.

"So is that a yes?" I ask her.

"Fine, just no funny business." She tells me.

We walked over to my ship and I helped her aboard and she looked at me.

"Wanna stay up here or go to the bottom?" I ask her.

"I said no funny business." She tells me.

"Are you afraid of me?" I ask her walking closer to her.

"No why would I?" She asks.

"Then come down with me." I say.

"You cant go 5mins without making things weird can you." She says.

"Come on would you like to stay up here on top where people can see or go below for privacy." I say to her.

I was close to her and she was looking at me her eyes were beautiful. She was close enough for me to kiss. I leaned closer to her and almost kissed her when she stops me.

"What are you doing?" She asks me.

"Sorry." I say.

"Why would you try and kiss me?" She asks.

"I dont know sorry I shouldnt have." I tell her.

She pulled me in a kissed me. She pulled away and ran off my ship. I touched my lips and it was a special kiss.

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