STARS the time lady and TARDIS

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Five and a half hours, clearing out my bank account and almost on the verge of going broke, we finally completed the Ultimate fan made TARDIS. it wasn't like what most people made, usually cardboard or wood no, I spent my money in buying the exact building materials that a 1960's London police box would had been made of. That tore into my pockets by a whopping $672 dollars, the paint was $75 and the gas on the way here not including when I had to leave $300. Yeah I just spent over $1,000 dollars on a girl, and she wasn't even my girlfriend.

"Wow..." Elizabeth whispered to herself as sat a couple of feet away from the front of the TARDIS. Her green eyes were mesmerized by the very thing we had just completed only seconds ago. This TARDIS could possible be the closet thing to the real TARDIS on the show, and it belong to her. I wasn't as big as a Doctor Who fan as she was since I've only recently started watching it, but I can tell this was possible the holy Grail from Whovians. Elizabeth couldn't even say another word she just keep muttering wow to herself.

"Yeah pretty amazing huh?" I said as I stood up to stretch my legs. It was such a pleasant say today, sun was shunning, temperature was just right and there was a cool gentle breeze in the air. A great day to spend with a good friend. I glanced down at her and smiled, it may have cost me alot of money, but it was well worth it to see that beautiful smile of hers.

"yeah..." she said before going silent again. Elizabeth was completely absorbed by TARDIS, just like I thought she would. I let out a little chuckle as I strolled over to my car to grab something else I brought for this occasion. In the back seat was the outfit that the Doctor would wear in the show, all in a bag. I grabbed the back and ran back to Elizabeth, holding it in front of her gaze so she wasn't distracted by TARDIS.

"So I think it's about time we had some fun in the TARDIS" I said winking at her while shaking the big.

"What's in the bag cass?" she asked

"Oh just the Doctors attire.." I said as I opened the bag and pulled out the clothes, "It's not exactly from the prop but I say it's about right"

"Good" Elizabeth said snatching the bag from my grasp.

"Hey!" I yelled as tried snagging it back, but her reflexes were mug faster than mine. "I'm going to be the doctor!"

"Not uh" Elizabeth said as she spun around and rushed towards her house, "I am!" I wanted to give her chase but she was already half way there, there was no way I could catch up. I sat on the ground grinning to myself.

"I wanted to be the doctor..." I muttered to myself as I crossed my arms, waiting get her to come back outside dressed. A good couple of minutes passed until she finally emerged from the house, wearing my outfit. From where I was sitting, you could hardly tell she was a girl, besides from her brown hair and obvious other features.

"Soooo" She said as she approached me," how do I like?"

"Like a dude" I said smirking at her and laughing inside my head silently.

"Oh your just mad that I'm the doctor and your my companion Cass" Elizabeth said punching my arm.

"You can't be a time lord Stars, you're a girl remember" I said rubbing my arm where she punched me.

"That's why I'm a time lady and not a time lord duh" Elizabeth said winking at me. "Now come on Watson, it's about time we explored the inside" I laughed at my new nickname, I guess Watson was my companion name, a play on Sherlock Holmes too which I was a die hard fan of. I followed her, as she skipped towards TARDIS. I couldn't help but smile though, I was really having a good time with her today, I'm glad that I came. We opens the door and stepped inside our TARDIS, there was plenty of room to fit two more people in comfortably. Inside were console and buttons and levers all over, crudely constructed by me. It wasn't 'bigger on the inside' like the one in the show since that was physically impossible to create.

"WAIT!" Elizabeth screamed as she pushed me back outside TARDIS. I stumbled back a little, completely taken off guard by Elizabeth who now had pulled out a remote control and pointed it directly at me.

"Ok your clean, I had to make sure you werent a cyberman" Elizabeth said as she shoved the remote back into her pocket. I rolled my eyes and reentered the TARDIS again and stood on the opposite side from Elizabeth.

"So Watson, where shall we go first?" Elizabeth asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"hmmm how about rexacor...raxxkor....rafacor... Uhhh.." I stuttered trying to pronounce the word. Elizabeth was giggling at my fool hardy attempt to pronounce the world to which I was speaking of.

"Watson are you trying to say raxacoricofallaptorious?" she said winking at me already knowing the answer. I nodded in embarrassment, of course she knew how to pronounce it, she was more a whovian than I was.

"Well if your going to say 'it's elementary Watson' I'm telling you right now that word is probably the most difficult word ever to say." I said grunting to myself as interned away from Elizabeth. She continued giggling at me, now my face was growing red with embarrassment. "Alright stop laughing already!"

"Hahaha ok Watson, I'm sorry shall we get started" Elizabeth said as she placed her hand on a lever on her side of the wall. I nodded and place a finger right above a button. Silently I counted in my head to a count of three, and on three we both in sync started to pull levers and pub random buttons quickly. After that we rocked the TARDIS side to side but not hard enough so it wouldn't tip it over. We may bot really be going to raxacoricofallaptorious , but in our heads where are dreams and imagination flows freely, the adventure was about to begin.

Yeah I spent over $1000 dollars on a girl who wasn't even my girlfriend,but she was still a good friend and very special to me. Besides I loved her as a friend and that was a good enough reason for me.

A moment in time with Cass (on hold ^^)Where stories live. Discover now