A Beta's Promise

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WattyWolves contest winner

The alpha hasn't left his Luna's side in 9 months. In Every pack meeting I'm the one who always has to check up on Luna Sandra.

Poor alpha is just worried about his mate, I mean she is holding his children. That's right, he's not having one, he's having two, twins.

"Jacklin, can you go check on your Luna please?" He said, barley glancing up at me.

I slowly nodded "Yes sir"

I got up from my chair and headed to the same route I take when ever I check up on the Luna. It's the fastest way to their room, but when I grow nearer to her door, the scream she let's out feels like she shakes the entire pack house.

I quickly swing open Her door, I frantically look around her room, only to see her standing there, Her legs spread apart, a hand rested on her stomach and the other held her bed's headboard.

I look Her Up and down, only to see water dripping out of her night gown. My eyes widened "Luna! Is it time!?"

She looks up at me, her face scrunched up in pain, and she slowly nods. I quickly run over to her and carry her bridal style.

I have to be fragile with her, she is only my human. I feel my eyes change to their yellow colour as I let out a loud howl. Signaling to the alpha, that his children are about to be greeted to this world.

I run out of the room and make my way through the halls, running towards our hospital wing. Pack members peek their heads out of their own rooms, watching as I run, holding the alpha's mate in my arms.

She yells out in pain, gripping the gown she had on.

"We're almost there Luna." I say as I push open the big hospital wing doors.

"The Luna! It's time!" I yell

Immediately nurses pull up a hospital bed and instruct me to lay the Luna down gently. As if I would do anything but.

I watch as they roll her away, quickly checking her pulse and inspecting her belly.

The big doors are pushed open roughly, hitting my back. I growl and turn to yell at the person Who just Hit me, only to realize it's a frantic alpha looking around for his mate.

I put a hand on his shoulder, "They just took her to a room"

He let out a sigh of relief and nodded towards me "Thank you for taking her here"

I bow my head "What a beta is for, alpha"

He rushes past me and runs down To where Luna Sandra was taken.

Jacklin, take guard at out Borders. You know our rival pack has been Waiting for my mate to bare my children just so they could have their revenge and my children's blood.

I stiffen, the thought of children being murdered just for revenge sickens my stomach.

I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me. I will be at the borders, no harm will come to your new family.

Don't fail me Jack

I hold my head up and stand tall, feeling as if Alpha Jax could see me, I will not fail, A Beta's promise Alpha

Thank you

I smile and run out of the hospital and run out onto our training feild.

Warriors of our pack! On orders by the alpha, all warriors should be stationed by the border, making sure no wolf comes in, or out! I yell through our link.

I smile as I hear the familiar pounding against the ground, almost making it shake. Within minutes, I'm surround by wolves of a variety of colors. All standing tall, and all ready for any threat that might come.

"As the beta of this pack, I will be the one closest to the alpha! Ready to resk my life for his new family as all of you should!"

A choirs of howls and barks fill the air. I look around, "I want you, Henry, to take your wolves and station them on the far end of our border. Stay hidden, for if we have a threat, you'll catch them by surprise. The rest, spread out, surround the the border and travel in pairs of Two's. In case something happens, you both have someone to run for help. I'll be Stationed right in front of the hospital. Pick your partners and let's go!"

Wolves picked their partners and hurried to their positions. I was left alone, but I could care less. Right now, my job it to protect the alpha.

I jumped and landed on my paws, my midnight black fur glistened in the moonlight. My eyes must seem like glowing orbs, the wind blows through the leaves in the woods, and it almost seemed as if the woods are safe.

I run into the woods, taking my position closest to the hospital. I sit on the leaf covered ground and listen for any sudden movements.

The wind blows through my fur and a scent goes along with it. I stand up alarmed, my ears turning, trying to listen for what may be in the woods surrounding me.

I hear a howl and a cry, growls and snarls echo throughout the woods and then, dye down. I take a step infront of me only to see a brown Wolf step out from behind a pair of bushes.

He's one of ours, but something's not right. He slowly walks towards me, his breathing slow and calm. I go closer towards him, only to have him fall down to the ground.

My eyes widen, no, no, how? Wolves can't kill that fast....unless

A hiss echos through the woods, coming from everywhere.

It all happens so fast, blood is spattered, and the bodies of vampires lay dead at my feet.

I hear the familiar pounding and the smell of my Alpha's scent fills my nostrils. My breathing is heavy as I struggle to stand up straight.

The Alpha's Caramel colored wolf stands infront of mine. I try to stand up tall, but my body is to weak to even do so.

He comes closer to me, Did the Luna have her babies? I ask

He nods

Is she alright?

He nods once more, I let out alittle laugh as best I could.

I did my job

My vision began to blur, and it seems as if the world tilts. I feel a sharp pain on the right side of my head and blurry figures start to surround me.


I hear, before it all goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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