The Creation of the werewolves

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Werewolves have been believed to be fictional. But yet, there are so many ideas as to How they could of been created, but this is my Idea.

The Moon Goddess is known for her beautiful sliver long hair. Her beautiful ocean Blue eyes and her beautiful flawless skin.

She loved to watch the humans live in their little villages. They picked food, hunted deer and fished by the river closest to them.

During the summer she'd watch the little children play in the river while the men would fish on the other side, just so they wouldn't disturb the children playing.

The woman would clean their huts and prepare dinner for their families. She'd watch them play in the morning sun and have celebrations under her beautiful moon light.

Then fall came along. The villagers had started to skin the deer and pluck the birds feathers, just so they could stay warm. The fish were going scarce and the deer, not much left. But non the less, the villagers where happy, they had enough food to feed the whole village and the children loved to play in the fall colored leaves.

But then Winter came along. The villagers had less food and the children no longer staying outside to play. The river had frozen over, so there weren't any fish to catch.

The deer had started hiding, so there weren't much left and the bears they got their fur from, had started to hibernate.

With no warmth and barely any food left to hunt. The villagers where freezing to death, and starving. The moon goddess hated the sight of the villagers like this. Starving and freezing to death, until she came up with a solution.

She watched over the wolves in the forest. She watched as they ran after their prey and warmed up next to each other. She thought maybe this would be the only way without making the villagers leave her.

She spoke to the villagers chief and made a deal with him. The deal was that they would morph into a wolf to help hunt deer and little rabbits at night. No one could see them or they would be hunted down for witch craft.

They could live amongst the wolves at night but in the morning they would turn into their human forms and live amongst them. The chief agreed immediately not letting the goddess finish talking and explaining about the consequences turning into a werewolf would mean.

They would have to wait until the first full moon of the month to start their transformation, once that full moon has arrived, their first couple transformations would hurt. It would hurt like nothing before, your bones are cracking and reforming, forming into the mythical creatures she'd created. Each and every creature she created will have someone that will love them for who they are. She feared that no one would live them, so she individualy hand picked each and every villagers soul mates.

And the last condition, The children under 14 will not be able to turn into their wolves since they aren't mature enough to handle it. But the Chief did not let her explain, and when he explained to the villagers that they wouldn't be human anymore, the villagers did not believe him.

They couldn't change the first couple days of the month, but when the full moon came. The village was filled with screams and groans as their bones morphed and changed.

The children under 14 were shocked and scared, screaming out for their mothers and fathers. The moon goddess descended upon them and explained to them of the creatures they have become. She explained that after their first change they could change at will, but as punishment to the chief for not listening to her, she cast him out of the village. Thus creating the first rogue.

She explained that they would need a worthy leader to lead them and another to be his/her right hand man/woman. The villagers thanked her for casting them with an amazing power and lived on as the first pack ever created.

The Moon Light Pack

Thank you for reading my little chapter of how Werewolves were created! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope I have a chance at winning the contest! ≧∇≦

Lol (Lots of love),


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