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It's been six months since the night my life changed for the better. Sarah and I are in the process of getting a divorce, which is a lot better than I previously thought it would be. She knows I'm happier with Ryan and she supports me in every way. She even started dating a new guy, whom I have yet to meet. I can't really blame her for not bringing him around me though. I wouldn't want to meet my significant others ex-husband or wife either.

My band is still touring, and every now and then Ryan will come along to play a few songs with us. The fans seem to love it.

I am happier than I have ever been in my life. Bogart and I moved into Ryan's place about a month ago, and we have yet to fight about mundane things. Mostly, we just fuck. All the time. Once while I was eating cereal Ryan strolled into the kitchen naked and well, let's just say the bowl of cereal didn't survive.

I feel so alive. I feel like I can finally be my true self. I feel like my closet is free of skeletons and well... Me, because last week while on the tonight show, I came out when asked about Ryan's interview. I told the world how in love the two of us are and it was the most liberating feeling in the world.

Right now, I'm laying with Ryan in bed. His head is on my chest and his eyes are focused on the screen in front of him as he plays Super Mario World. Everytime he dies he let's out the worlds cutest groan, and every time he beats a level he turns to look at me, eyes bright and lips turned into a bright smile. He's definitely my sunshine in a world full of darkness.

His hair is soft between my fingers as I knead them between his locks. It's so peaceful like this. I never want it to end.

He has no idea what I have planned for us. He doesn't know that I want us to get a new house that we can make fresh memories in. He doesn't know that I dream of the day I get to see him holding our infant child (adopted of course). And he definitely has no idea that I have our engagement planned and ready for whenever my divorce is finalized. He has no idea i already have the ring.

Yes, being with Ryan has been tough. But when you get to lay down at the end of the day with the one person who makes life worth living, well.....

It's a hell of a feeling.

Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Ryden Where stories live. Discover now