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Okay first off, these bitches we were with were liars. The party was not small, not even in the slightest. There had to be at least five thousand people here, and judging by the size of this place, there were probably more than that.

"Look who we brought!" Crystal all but screams, making the entire party turn their heads and look at us. Some of them looked like they had no idea who the fuck either of us were, but some of their eyes lit up, telling us exactly what we didn't want to hear. They know us, they know us all too well.

"Fuck..." I hear Ryan mutter under his breath, grip automatically tightening on my hip.

"Let's go to the party Brendon, we have nothing else to do, Brendon!" I mock him in a low voice, rolling my eyes at him.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know this would happen?" He whispers back, faking a smile as some people wave at us. I can't help but groan at his ignorance.

"Ryden!" We hear a voice say, and I automatically sigh. I look over to where crystal and kayla were standing only to find that they're gone. Great. No way out now.

I look back to where the voice came from and smile when I see a tall boy with red hair coming towards us. "You guys have to come do some blow with us!" He says, voice hazy. He's looking more at Ryan than he is me. His eyes are scanning his body like Ryan's a piece of meat. He wants to fuck him, that much is obvious.

I watch him grab Ryan's arm and start pulling. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? "We aren't interested." I all but growl at him, grabbing Ryan's hand and holding it firmly so he can't be tugged away from me. "And you should probably ask before you put your hands on someone." I glare at him until I see his hand off of Ryan's arm. "Come on Ry, I think I need a drink."


"You got jealous back there." Ryan says to me as he takes a sip of his whiskey sour. He eyes me closely, one of his brows lifted and the corner of his mouth pulled into a soft smirk.

"You're drunk." I say back, rolling my eyes softly.

He chuckles softly at that and turns fully towards me, eyes scanning up and down my body. "No actually, you are. But let's not change the subject."

I sigh softly and take a swig of my vodka soda, rolling my eyes as I mumble into my drink. "He shouldn't touch you like that. He shouldn't have touched you at all."

"Why not?"

I let out a heavy breath and turn to look at him. "Because it's rude. Okay? You don't need to be touched like that, especially not by some ginger crack head with absolutely hideous teeth and baggy eyes."

"Would it be different is he were attractive?" Ryan asks, raising a brow at me.

"No I just...." I sigh gently. "You're Ryan fucking Ross. You deserve more than some guy at a party who still has coke on his upper lip. I mean come on Ry..."

"What kind of guy do I deserve Brendon?" He's trying to get me to say something I'll regret, but I won't.

"Someone more like me." Okay I guess I would say it. Fucking alcohol.

His lips only smirk up more, and his gaze falls slightly, to the hand cradling my drink. "Someone who's married?"

"Yes!" I start, then shake my head. "I mean...." I furrow my brow gently in thought. What did I mean? "Someone who loves you for every aspect of who you are. Someone who would give you the world on a silver platter if he could. Some who.... Someone who after years of not seeing you, falls in love with you again the minute you walk through his front door.... And I...." I don't notice the tears slipping down my cheeks until Ryan's fingers brush them away. I push his hand away quickly, shaking my head. "Don't."

"Brendon i...." He starts, but it's too late. I'm already up and headed for the door.

"I said don't, Ryan." I let out quickly before pushing my way through the crowd and out of the front door.

Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Ryden Where stories live. Discover now