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I am crouching in the shadows behind a small stack of crates when I hear the explosion. A small cloud of smoke and dust hangs in the sky at the other side of the camp. I can hear soldiers inside running around shouting panicked orders. When Connor comes, we'll have to act fast before reinforcements come from within the walls.
A few minutes go by and Connor still hasn't given his signal. Diana and I exchange a worried look. I shuffle my feet impatiently. Just when I'm about to go in and look for him, Connor looks through the camp entrance. He is dressed in a soldier's uniform, regal albeit covered in dust. We get up and rush towards him.
"All the soldiers are at the other side. A lot of them were napping, so they didn't even have time to get their weapons, so they're all just lying about. Fools." Connor murmurs as we slip through the overhang.
Dust and grime is falling slowly to the ground, fogging my vision slightly. The soldier camp, I'll admit, is much more comfy than our little rag-tag hideout. The soldiers have built small shacks for living quarters, and to my left I can see an open-air kitchen. There's even a small shooting range in the distance. The place seems deserted, but I can hear voices further ahead, behind a long building. That must've been where the explosion was. The dust hasn't settled yet, which makes it easier for us to stay in hiding. I pull my scarf further up over my face and pull my hood down, then set to work.
"Diana, you go to the right, towards the barracks. Connor, go straight ahead. You're the stealthiest. Keira, go with him. It's most likely you'll encounter a few soldiers there. I'll go left, where the kitchen and training grounds are." The others nod, and we disperse, each in our own direction.
I reach the kitchen and hurriedly rip open cupboards, searching for their rations. I find lot of fruit and vegetables, lying in small sacks around the place. My eyes flick around, searching for a way to be able to bring back the food. Nearby there is a cart with a broken wheel, but it'll have to make do. I throw on any food or useful weapon I find, and hurriedly pull the cart back towards the entrance, which is barely 15 meters away.
After I dump the stuff behind our earlier hiding place with the crates, I head back into the camp. I turn corner, looking over my shoulder to make sure no-one is following me, when suddenly I bump into something. A soldier stands before me, a quick expression of surprise crossing his face before he lifts his gun and points it at me. In a flash, I jump to the side and raise my knife. The soldier turns to me, but I am much faster than him. I kick his shin and has he falls onto one knee, groaning, I grab his wrist and jump behind him, so that he can't aim at me with the gun in his other hand. I press the wrist up towards his back and he stiffens, unable to move his arm. With my other hand I press the knife into his exposed neck, and growl, "If you so much as move a muscle, you're dead." Of course, I do not intend to actually kill him; he is no more than a pawn, placed here by the government by force. He probably never signed up to come out here, he was forced to. But before he can answer, I snatch the gun from his slightly relaxed hand and slam the butt of the gun into the back of his head, hard. He slumps over, unconscious.
After I drag him into the shadows, I set off again, towing the cart behind me, this time heading towards the shooting range. Jackie an Mark are doing a good job at causing trouble; I can still hear the shouts of soldiers further away.
The shooting range is, thankfully, empty; no soldiers are around yet. But there's a problem; only a few weapons are lying around - the rest are locked in little cupboards on the other side of the open area. I tug at the locks, but all of them are secured. My eyes dart back and forth, trying frantically to search for any place that the keys might be. There's an office behind a door a few steps away. I enter and search through the drawers and even through an abandoned jacket's pockets, but I find nothing. Then a thought strikes me: the soldier I knocked down earlier might have been in charge of guarding the weapons. I sprint towards him and after searching through his pockets I find a few keys attached to a string. I go back to the cupboards and as soon as they're unlocked I empty any guns or knives into the cart. I don't take them all, however; we can't use all these weapons and if some random rebel in the streets finds something like this lying in the streets, they could cause a lot of trouble. There's a sewer hole in the ground behind the cupboards, and I toss any weapons that wouldn't prove to be too useful into the depths, hearing a large splash a few seconds later. But now I need to hurry; I can hear the sounds of soldiers coming closer - they must have realised something was wrong. I hope Jackie and Mark are alright, and that the others have completed their tasks by now. I pull the now heavy cart behind me and move as fat as possible towards the outside world.

I only have to be lonely behind the crates for a few seconds until Diana arrives, panting. She falls to the ground beside me looking exhausted. I pull a large bag off her back, and check the contents, which are mostly just weapons.
"Everything went smoothly?" I ask after she recovers.
"Yep, there wasn't anyone in the barracks. Most of the soldiers were probably sleeping when the explosion happened, they left quite a lot of their stuff in a disorientated state. Their guns were just kinda lying around. It's quite stupid, actually. How about you? I see you got quite a lot of stuff."
"I got a lot of food, and this cart's gonna be useful. But when I went to the shooting range this random guard came outta nowhere. He wasn't fast at all, though. He was probably tired too. Knocked him out. But then their weapons were all locked up, so I searched for the keys literally everywhere. Turns out they were in the soldier's pocket. But I did get loads of stuff, like you said."
"Glad you're fine." Diana smiles and gives me a small hug. She's one to comfort people very easily; when I have a problem, I go to Diana. She's great at listening and understanding.
Soon after Keira and Connor arrive. They've filled two bags with weapons and supplies. However, they ran into a few soldiers, like I'd predicted, and Connor got a deep cut in his arm; he'd been attacked from behind. Keira was able to 'knock them out' ("I promise I didn't kill them! ...Only wounded them a tiny bit...").
We sit in silence as we wait for Mark and Jackie. As the minutes tick on, I begin getting worried. Where are they? Why weren't they the first ones back? Did they get caught? And then I hear Mark's voice and relief washes through my body.
Until I hear what he's shouting.
"Help! Guys, Jackie's hurt!" Mark's voice sounds weak and sad.
We rush out from behind our hiding place. The sight I see makes my skin go cold. Jackie, whom I've considered an extra little brother for years, has blood running down his waist, and he's limping. I rush towards him right before he slumps against Mark's supporting arm, unconscious.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update! I'm a really bad procrastinator. And sorry for ending on a cliffhanger. Oh, wait. Nah, I'm not sorry. *Insert evil laugh*

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