Chapter 2

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We made our way towards the school gates. Girls stopped to gape at Logan. Some shot me envious glances. Being best friends with the school stud had its share of disadvantages. If looks could kill, I would have been dead a long time ago with the amount of glares I had to deflect on a daily basis. God knows what they were jealous of. It wasn’t like I was dating Logan. Ewww. He was all theirs.

We reached our lockers. I was about to take my science book out of my locker, when someone grabbed my arm, turned me around and slammed me into the locker next to me. I glared at the smirking face of Dan Peters, which was only about an inch from my own face. Hello? Ever heard of personal space?

“Hey gorgeous, what are you doing tonight?”

“Definitely not you.” With that I pushed him off and turned to greet my other friends, who were standing behind Dan patiently waiting for his little stunt to be over.

Let me introduce you to my crazy little group of friends. Apart from me and Logan, there is Dan Peters, Sasha Gilbert, Jake Andrews and Alex Clover. Yes Alex, my dream guy, is a part of my friend circle. I am crushing on my friend, sue me!

Dan Peters is the jokester of our group. He is always flirting with me, coming up with the most outrageous pick up lines. This guy could actually publish a book on them, I swear. Seeing that I am the only single girl in our group of friends, unfortunately I am the one who has to be on the receiving end of his stupid flirtations. Logan would sometimes shut him up for me, but mostly he let him be. We all knew he was harmless. He was not the kind to go for serious relationships and he had too much respect for me to try to get me into bed with him. Though Dan was cute enough, with a nice, tan body and chocolate boy looks, he just didn’t want a girlfriend to screw up his carefree life.

Sasha Gilbert and Jake Andrews were the Romeo and Juliet of our group. They had been together for four years now. They were so lovey-dovey, they made me sick with their cheesiness. Or maybe they made me sick with jealousy. I wanted what they had. With Alex.

Speaking of Alex, I turned to him. He was scowling at Dan. What was his problem? Dare I hope he was jealous? Feeling my eyes on him, Alex turned to look at me. His face softened and he passed me a cute, little smile. Oh how I loved this adorable boy!

The six of us chatted for a few minutes, catching up on how we spent our summer. Dan had spent the summer at his aunt’s beach house in Miami. Alex, too, had been away on a family holiday. So, we all hadn’t spent much time together as a group for the last 3 months! There was a lot of catching up to do. But alas, it’s time to go to our classes.

I, Logan and Alex began to make our way towards Mrs. Patis’ classroom. We had science together. The others made their way to their own respective classes.

Alex sped up to walk right next to me. Logan moodily trailed behind us.

“So, how was your family holiday, Alex?”

“It was awesome. But I missed you a lot.”

My heart skipped a beat.

“It’s never as much fun with family as it’s with friends.”

Shit! I lost my virginity to my best friend!!!Where stories live. Discover now