Chapter 4

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**I AM BACK, lovelies!!!! Missed me? 

Ohkaaay..I am sorry I am such a lazy bum! I will try and update regularly from now on. 

Now, this one might not be such a good chapter- I haven't written in soooooooo long. So please bear with me.

And now without further ado, read on my dear fans and would-be fans ;)

Oh wow..that's one way of ending the best evening of my life, I mentally shrugged.

As mom continued to glare at the two of us, I turned back to my brand new boyfriend.

“Ahemm..I guess I will see you in school tomorrow. Have a good night, Alex.” Then without waiting for a reply to my oh-so-formal goodbye, I turned around, elbowed past mom and hurried towards the stairs. I was so not ready to face the inquisition I was sure was coming my way.

I heard the front door slam and quickened my pace.

“You wait right there, young lady!”

I froze with my foot on the bottom step. Damn these heels! I could have been safely tucked in my bed by now had I been in my favorite sneakers.

I turned to look back at my seething parent. She had her arms crossed in front of her and was tapping her foot in sync with my racing heartbeat. She also had her best oh-you-are-in-so-much-trouble glare on.

I gulped and waited for the anvil to drop on my death sentence.

“Was that young man Alex Clover?” Here begins the inquisition.


“The Alex Clover?”

I nodded.

And then something quite unexpected happened. Mom's mock tough exterior broke to give way to her naughty, dimpled smile.

“Uh..Mom? Why are you grinning like that?”

“O-M-G!!! You just had your first kiss with none other than Alex?! You go, girl!” My mom squeeled and pulled me into a tight bear hug.

“ You are not angry?” I just had to ask this after I managed to extract myself out of her arms.

“Angry? Why would I be angry? My little girl is growing up! And Alex finally asked you out! That's so great, sweetheart. Now come here and tell momma all the juicy tidbits!” She grabbed my hand and hauled me towards the livingroom couch.

I prepared myself for a whole different kind of inquisition now.

Two hours later, I dragged myself up to my room. My mom allowed me to leave only after she had extracted every minute-by-minute detail of my date. Phew!! Some mom I have!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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