5. What's Broken Can Be Fixed

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5. What's Broken Can Be Fixed

We'd just finished Charms class where we'd learned how to float a feather, well tried to. Hermione was the only one who'd managed it. I'd had to hang back after class to collect feathers so I was just running to catch up with Hermione when I overheard the second thing Ron had said in the past months. So did Hermione, unfortunately. "Mental that one, I'm telling you. It's no wonder she hasn't got any friends." Hermione sped up and ran past them, running into Ron's shoulder on her way by. "I think she heard you." I ran up to them and stopped in front of Ron, the whole group of boys stopped. "Who am I?" I said glaring at him and clenching my teeth. "You're Maya." He said simply with a bemused smile. I couldn't help myself, I just punched him- square in the nose. "I'm her friend you git." I sneered and Ron fell to the ground. "Miss. Grey." I heard a drawling voice say, Snape. "My office, now." He snapped and I followed him down to the dungeons. He sat at his desk and I sat down on the other side. "Why did you punch Mr. Weasley?" I sat up straighter and he didn't look over at me, he was looking down at his papers. "He was making fun of Hermione sir. Or as I put it, he was being a git." He looked up and I could see a smile on his thin lips. I grinned finally and his smile faded. "You are dismissed." He said and I stood up, "No punishment?" I said when I got to the doorway. "I do not punish students for doing the right thing." I left to go find Hermione.

Pavarti told me she'd been in the girls washroom crying before disappearing with her twin. The only problem is there's more then one girls washroom. I spent most of the day checking them and finally found her on the first floor. She retreated into a stall and I sat on the floor by the sinks and just talked to her, tried to calm her down, tried to reason with her. But she wasn't budging. She told me to go to the feast- that it was Halloween and I should go. For a moment I thought she was trying to get me to make up with Draco, she had been trying this since Draco and I fought. But she was probably too upset to care right now. So maybe she just wanted to be left alone.

I told her I wanted to sit with my best friend to which she was silent for a minute then she came out wiping her eyes. "Maya run!" She said with a gasp and retreated back into the stall. A gigantic monster swung its club, smashing the stall Hermione was in. I jumped up and started yelling at it. It lifted its club right over where Hermione was, ready to drop it and crush her. I screeched and sparks shot from my fingers. My fingers! I didn't have a wand in my hand. I knew my mother could do wandless magic and she'd said my father could too but I had never done it before. The troll turned and swung its club at me. It hit me hard and I flew back and made a dent on the brick wall. I felt like my entire body had been broken, even heard a crack or two. Hermione screamed my name and I opened my eyes slowly. I was looking up at the ceiling, it was spinning like mad and I could hear ringing in my ears. I looked around and saw a flash of orange-red and black. Harry and Ron. I closed my eyes when I saw the sinks smash and pieces go flying. When I couldn't hear things smashing anymore I opened my eyes. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I heard Ron said confidently. I sat up slowly and put my back against the wall. My shoulder was dislocated I think and my head is really bleeding. My ankle might be broken and there's a piece of mirror sticking out of that same leg. I blinked and Hermione came over quickly, tears threatening to overflow.

I heard running footsteps, "What is the meaning of this?" Mcgonagall asked in a horrified voice. She wasn't speaking to me, I couldn't even see her. Harry started to answer stuttering the whole time. "It's my fault Professor, I read about trolls and thought I could handle it. I was wrong. If Maya, Harry and Ron hadn't shown up I'd probably be dead." Hermione said boldly and Professor Mcgonagall leaned around the doorway to see her and she spotted me. "Madame Pomfrey we'll be needing your assistance." It was Snape who stepped forward and conjured up a gurney that hovered in mid-air. He seemed a little out of breath, like he'd run to come here. Without any pain I was on it and floating to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey ran to get stuff from her office and Snape frowned. "What happened?" He asked and he sounded almost like he cared. "Got on the wrong end of the trolls club. But there's something I want to talk to you about- in private." He nodded and straightened up, "Another time, Miss. Grey. Feel better."

Madame Pomfrey came scurrying out of her office carrying an armload of bottles and bandages. "Out now. Keep other students out unless they're needing help. No visitors what-so-ever." She said firmly and shooed Snape away before setting to work. While I watched the door close she pulled out the piece of mirror from my leg. I let out a scream and stifled it quickly. She started examining my arm and I shook my head. "M-my ankles broken." I said quickly trying to keep her away from putting my shoulder back in place, that would hurt so much.

The door opened and Draco came in sporting a black eyes and bloody nose. Madame Pomfrey reached for my shoulder while I was distracted. "Sorry dear." She said quietly and it popped back into place. She started to work on my head, I kept my eyes on Draco who sat down on the edge of the empty bed next to me. He mouthed I'm sorry and I smiled slightly telling him it was alright, I was done fighting. "What happened to you Mr. Malfoy?" Pomfrey said when she was please with how well I was fixed up. I only had to wear the sling so my shoulder didn't pop out again, and the cuts and bruises weren't that bad. "Goyle and I were just goofing around, wrestling you know, but I hit my face off the ground. I'm okay- I was just hoping you could stop the bleeding?" She shook her head and threw him a cloth. "You may stay until the bleeding stops." She said marching the bottles back into her office. "There were rumors going around you went looking for the troll? Why would you do that?" I laughed, "I didn't moron, I was with Hermione. It was going to drop its club on her so I yelled at it and it swung its club and knocked me into a wall. I'm alright though. So what really happened to you?" I asked curiously, he held the cloth tighter to his nose. "I asked Goyle to punch me because Snape wouldn't let me in before." I laughed, "You're mental you know. Hey I'm sorry for hitting you at flying lessons. We're cool right?" I asked quietly hoping beyond hope the answer was yes. "Definitely." He grinned from ear to ear and I sat up some more, feeling perkier than I should.

I told Draco about Hermione, Ron and Harry. He told me how he didn't like Harry and Ron at all. I just laughed and shook my head, "I miss talking to you. I missed you so much Draco." I said happily smiling over at him. "Why were we fighting in the first place? I said something didn't I? I made fun of Potter. I didn't realize you liked him THAT much." He said and I blushed, "It's not that Draco, I don't like Harry more than a friend. It's just... My mom. She's dead. Voldemort's snake took care of that." His face turned pale and he moved to sit beside me, grabbing the hand free of the sling. "I was so scared. I was hiding under the bed when it killed her. And I don't have a clue who my dad is or if my mom was serious about him being dead. I just don't want to pretend I'm alright anymore." He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "How long ago?" I saw Madame Pomfrey come out from her office. "Two years ago." I said quietly. He eyed me sadly and then Madame Pomfrey told him to leave. "We will talk about this later." He said surely before being shooed out.

I begged Madame Pomfrey to let me leave or let Hermione, Harry and Ron in. She refused- told me I would be better to stay over night. I argued until she looked at me sternly, like my mom had when I asked to play with the little girl who lived down the road from us or when asked to do anything she thought would put me in danger. I agreed to stay after that as long as I could leave in the morning. She nodded and then went to her office turning off all the lights. I relaxed easily and fell asleep.

Sun shone through the window on my face and I woke happily. Then I groaned, I was sore. "How are you feeling?" It was Madame Pomfrey, standing over Snape who was pulling his pant leg back down, I saw the bloody cloth in Madame Pomfrey's hand. "Uh alright. Could I go?" She nodded with a stern look on her face then turned back to Snape. "It's find Poppy." He said and limped out of the room. I got up slowly and my head was spinning. "Why don't you just stay here today? Some rest will do you some good." I smiled at her but shook my head slowly, "I'm alright. Thanks Madame Pomfrey." She smiled kindly and I left. I pushed open the common room door and stepped inside. Harry was sitting alone by the fire, everyone else must be down at breakfast. I sat down in the other large armchair and he looked up at me. "Hermione told me what you did, that was really brave of you. How are you feeling?" He asked sympathetically, "Like I'm getting over a cold actually. A little dizzy and sore but otherwise alright." He smiled, "I'm glad. We should have gotten there sooner, I should have done something more." I shook my head and the common room door opened. "There was nothing you could have done. At least one good thing came out of this." I nodded to Ron and Hermione who sat down with us, Harry understood. The troll had brought us all together in a way nothing else could have. Strength in numbers...

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