1. Before Hogwarts

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1. Before Hogwarts

I was born into a family, me and my parents. They weren't married and they didn't love each other anymore but I that's just what I've been told by my mom. My dad died when I was one. Mom told me he would come back one day and I shouldn't go looking for him. Mom and I never stayed in one place too long, there were people looking for us. She trained me all the time, through magic and physical violence. She said she wanted me ready for when the war started again. My father was the leader of one side, Tom Riddle. Or as more people know him- Lord Voldemort. My mom's name is Harley Payton. She used to believe in what Voldemort said, used to help him. But now she wanted nothing to do with him or his people. Deatheaters. She kept me a secret from them as much as she could, but rumors spread and both sides came looking for me.

The other side was the order of the Pheonix. She told me if she ever went missing to go to their side but don't tell them who I was or what I could do. She trained me hard and fast so I could do pretty well anything I wanted before I turned eleven and went to school. I would sometimes see glimpses of my true mother hidden under the hard exterior Voldemort had created but it was rare. Since I moved around I didn't have any friends, except one boy in whose parents my mother trusted. Draco Malfoy was my best friend since before I could remember. With Draco I could relax and enjoy myself. We played too, I had real fun. I think without him I'd be a robot. Which is probably why my mother made sure he was there. Shortly after I turned ten it happened. The day I finally snapped. It was night and my mother ran into my room in a panic. "Hide!" She whispered and I flew out of my bed into my closet. "Stay hidden and away from anything familiar- even Draco. I love you baby." She said in a hush and with a crack somebody apperated into the room. They were wearing a dark cloak and a Deatheater mask. I could see through the crack in the closet door as Nagini, Voldemorts snake slithered forward towards my mother and shot towards her throat. I forced myself to be silent although I was screaming like mad on the inside. After a moment the snake and the Deatheater disaperated and left my mother dead on the ground. I screamed then, magic radiated through me and the windows shattered, the whole house shook.

I did as she asked, kept my head down and used the vault-load of money she left me for shelter and food. I wasn't training or learning though, I didn't care. I was through with that I wanted a normal life. So I waited for my Hogwarts letter like a good girl and took the muggle bus the Kings cross like a good girl. I couldn't find the stupid platform though I wandered about platform nine and ten looking for nine and three quarters but didn't see anything. The train would leave soon and I would miss it! "I couldn't help noticing the wand in the side of your boot. Do you know where the platform is?" A black haired boy with taped glasses asked hopefully. "I'm looking for it..." I said and he pushed his cart alongside mine. "I like your owl." I said with a smile nodding towards his snowy white owl. I hadn't gotten a pet, hadn't wanted one. Seeing this boys owl though made me wish I had gotten one though. I'd spent a small fortune on school supply's, buying what I needed and a little more. I didn't look like I'd been living on my own, in fact I looked very well kept. "Thanks, her name's Hedwig. I'm Harry by the way, Harry Potter." I was taken a back for a moment.

I was walking beside Harry Potter, the baby who killed my father. "I'm Maya Grey." I said with a smile and stopped my cart. "So we're nearly at platform ten what do we do?" I asked and we both looked around confused. "We could ask..." Harry said pointing to the train attendant at platform ten. "You've got to be joking. He's a muggle, Harry. I doubt he would know. Just listen and see if you can find anyone else going onto the platform." After a minute Harry and I looked at each other before grabbing our carts and running to catch up with the family. A stout women wearing a knitted sweater was leading around five red headed children, she too had red hair. She was telling them to hurry up because the Hogwarts express leaves at exactly eleven. The oldest looking boy started running and I shouted for him to stop before he crashed right into the wall. He didn't crash, he was gone. He went right through it! "He's just around the corner dear, nothing to worry about." The mother said clutching the hand of the little girl beside her.

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