3. Now You Know

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3. Now You Know

I threw on jeans and a t-shirt then brushed my waves of dark hair out. "Good afternoon, Maya." Hermione said happily and walked into the bathroom to change. It was Friday afternoon and I was tired from the double potions I'd just left from. Potions and defense against the dark arts were great and I liked Herbology and Transfiguration alright. Charms was pretty awful but the class I hated most was History of Magic. It seemed boring and mom had taught me all I needed. There was this one professor, Quirrell, he was nervous all the time. He was afraid of something, jumpy and shaky, I was very good at reading people and this man was simply terrified. I didn't much like professor Snape either, he was rude and grumpy. Although Draco seemed to like him which probably had something to do with the fact he was rude and grumpy towards the Gryffindors. Particularly Harry. Harry and Draco seemed to have become enemies. I don't know what was said in the train compartment or what I had missed but they didn't like each other and addressed each other by their last name. I'd avoided the Bloody Baron as often as possible. He was the Slytherin ghost that had frightened me.

I said goodbye to Hermione before leaving. She asked if I wanted to study with her today and told me she would be in the library. I told her I wanted to wander a bit and then I'd go to the library. The castle was empty, only the Gryffindors had the afternoon off this week and class had just ended. As I walked down a completely empty corridor I realized I was lost, very lost. The portraits on the walls were ignoring me so that wasn't going to help. I heard a cackle an turned around quickly. "Whose there?" A man landed in front of me, becoming visible. He was not a ghost or a man. "Peeves, who are you little Gryffindor?" He asked with a laugh before jumping off the ground and floating in mid-air. "I'm Maya Grey, you're a poltergeist aren't you?" I asked and Peeves pulled the carpet from under my feet, he flew away cackling.

I heard the suits of armor rustle as he flew past them. The bloody Baron's chains jingled from the other end of the hall. "Peeves wasn't bothering you was he?" He asked gruffly and I took a deep breath. "No, sir." I said quickly backing away from him. "Why are you scared?" I was shaking now, "My mom told me if I was bad when I was little she would send for you. You killed Rowena Ravenclaw and then yourself." He looked a little surprised and I looked at him carefully, covered in blood (whether it was Rowena Ravenclaw's or his own I didn't know) and chains. My mom used to say the chains were so you would know he was coming for you, I knew that part wasn't true. He was a Hogwarts ghost and he didn't actually attack children but he was my boogie man. "Very well. I shall go." He said quietly, almost ashamed and floated through the wall. Great, now I was lost and alone. I sighed and continued wandering. I found the library by mistake and walked in, Hermione called out my name and the librarian Madame Pince shushed her. Hermione's face was still flushed red when I sat down. "Find anything interesting?" She asked in a small whisper laying her book down on the table.

I smiled and recognized her book as Hogwarts, A History. "Ran into Peeves and the Bloody Baron. Got really lost too." Her face paled a little and I smiled at her, "It's fine, Peeves just pulled a carpet from under my feet before the Bloody Baron scared him off. What have you been up to?" She leaned across the table and started talking in an excited whisper. "Harry and Ron are having a wizards duel tonight at midnight, they're going to get caught so I've decided to stop them." I laughed at that, "Oh don't worry about them it's not like its dangerous. Who are they dueling?" She sat down in her chair again seeming surprised I'd told her to leave it be. "Oh Malfoy and Crabbe." She said as if was no big deal, I hung my head- I'd been hoping it wasn't Draco. I didn't realize how angry they were at each other. "I'll help you stop them Hermione. I'll talk to Draco when he's done classes and then at midnight we'll make sure Harry and Ron don't leave. Alright?" She smiled happily and nodded enthusiastically. "Thanks Maya!" I grinned and stood up, "I'm going to get some dinner after talking to Draco. Care to join me?" She shook her head as Madame Pince shushed me. I rolled my eyes, "I'm just going to stay and read. I'll see you at midnight."

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