Chapter One

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I had arrived off of the Lian Yu a year and a half ago, after five whole years of Hell. The only good thing about that island was I wasn't alone. I had my best friend, Oliver Queen, as company.

He had went home in Starling City and I had went back to Central City where my cousin lives at. My mother had died and my father left out on me when I was only a newborn, so I have no idea who he is. And now, I work as a forensic scientist, along with Barry, at CCPD (Central City Police Department). I'm older than Barry and close to Oliver's age. I'm 26 and Olly is 27.

I had became a vigilante with Oliver when I had came back to Starling before I had moved to Central. I waited at the crime scene, checking the time. Barry was late. Again. I had to start the investigation without him.

"Where's Allen?" The chief of police asked.

"Right here." I say, knowing that he was talking about my cousin.

"Not you, your cousin- Barry." He replied.

"Oh. He, um, he'll be here." I comment.

Then Barry showed up. "Sorry. Sorry, I'm late. I, um-" He started.

"What's the excuse now? Let me point out that your last excuse was car trouble. Want to know what was memorable about that one?" The chief cut him off.

"I do not own a car." Barry replied.

"He was running an errand for me." I say, covering for him, "Did you get it?"

"Uh, yeah. Here you go." Barry replied, handing me a half eaten candy bar, "Sorry. I took a few bites of it."

I crouch down to the evidence as do Barry. "Getaway car was a Mustang Shelby GT 500. Tires have a 12 inches asymmetrical tread." I state as Joe was writing it down impressed.

"But there's something else." Barry replied, taking Chyre's pen and scooping up some dirt and placing it in an evidence bag.

"My dad gave me that pen. Before he died." Chyre commented.

Barry mouthed 'oops' and zipped up the bag.

I sat in the rolling chair at my desk in the forensics lab, listening to my stomach growl, when Barry walked in with two white bags of food. "Finally."

He chuckled. "Here you go, Allison." He handed my bag and then set his on his desk, eating a fry as did I.

"Mm. So much better than what I had to eat on the island." I say, drinking some of my vanilla milkshake.

"I bet." Barry replied, going back to our work. I got up and moved over to the the computer screen.

"The results are almost done, Barry." I state, eating a bite of my burger just as Iris comes in. Barry has a crush on her- He loves her since they were both kids. Everyone pretty much knows about it but Iris.

"Alright. I'm ready for the atom smashing thing or whatever tonight." Iris stated.

"The Particle Accelerator?" Barry and I both corrected her.

"Yeah." Iris replied.

"There was a shooting today and your dad has us working on it. I don't think I'll be able to go." Barry said.

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