Love [24]: Pain

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Taehyung's POV

"..don't know." Sam kept her head down,not even looking at me. What kind of answer is that? "You don't know?"

"It's not that I don't really know but.. I'm just confused." Her last words was almost whispers. I can feel her hand tremble in mine. She's shaking.

I fell into silence as I look at her. Samantha kept looking down,avoiding my gaze. "Confused? How?"

"I can still feel the pain because I'm still inlove with him." I felt a little sting from my heart. What the heck Taehyung? This is not right. What you're feeling is not right.

"But.. I don't want to come back to him. I know he'll just hurt me again." Her voice cracked a bit. I can see tears trailing down her cheeks even though she kept her head down. It pains me to see her crying.

Ever since I saw her crawled up in a corner and kept crying her eyes out as she speaks Baekhyun's name, her tears became my weakness.

I don't want to see her crying. I don't want to see her sad.

But she needs this. She needs this pain to become stronger. Sam needs to learn how to stand up and fight. She needs to stop sobbing in a corner and flooding the whole room with her tears. She needs to be fearless.

"Come here." I said in a gentle voice as I wrap my arm around her shoulders and my other arm around her waist. I pulled her in for a comforting hug.

She nuzzled her face on the side of my neck,trying to stop her eyes from crying. "Shh. It's okay sweetheart. I'll be here for you alright?"

She nods her head weakly and cried harder. Her tears drenches my suit but I didn't mind. "Samantha,look at me." I called out.

"N-no." Her sobs echoed in my ears as she hugs me tighter. People passing by are already glancing at us but the hell I care? She needs me now.

"T-Taehyung." She called out. I let out a little 'hmm' from my lips,gesturing her to speak up. "'s painful. It's..s-so hard to..b-breathe."

I can feel her hands form into a fist as she clutches on my suit even more. More soft whimpers leave her lips.

My fingertips brushed her back as I raise my hand to run my fingers through her hair as I kept whispering soothing things in her ear.

Her grip on the piece of the thick fabric of my suit loosened and I can feel her weight leaning on me. Her sobs and whimpers immediately turned into silence and I found myself having a bad feeling. T-Taeyeon?"

But,noone answered. "Taeyeon!"

Chen's POV

"Just kidding." I immediately added. I can see the tense on Qri's face fades away as she heaved a sigh. Psh.

"You got me." Baekhyun chuckled. I turn towards Qri and gave her a scoffing smirk. "It would be impossible to have her as my Ex Girlfriend."

"What?" Baekhyun's eyebrows twitched. "Nothing."

"A-ah. Do you want something to drink?" Qri nervously asked. Thanks but no thanks. I know your tactics little witch. You'll just poison me. "I'd like to take up on the offer but I must be going now. Have a good day."

I didn't wait for Baekhyun or Qri to speak up. I immediately gave a little bow and took the chance to turn around and leave.

As I close the door,my fingertips brushed the soft fabric of my hoodie as I pull it up on my head.

I start to walk away,leaving the image of the house behind.

You haven't seen the last of me.

Very short update.

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