(2) Birthday Forebodings

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 * I miss the winter, a world of pleasure things. Look for me in the white forest, hiding in a hollow tree( come and find me)~ I know you hear me, I can taste it in your tears!!~No ones there.


~ 9 years later~

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!" 

I groaned and rolled over at the familiar singing voice, shielding my eyes as the curtains were abruptly thrown open letting the early morning sunlight.

My room had definitely changed for the better over the years, the bare baby pink walls had been exchanged for a cool violet color, not that you could see much of it past all of the posters and photos that cluttered the walls. The once neat wardrobe was now full to bursting, shoes spilling out the bottom and the vanity was cluttered with makeup, nail polishes, a pair of straighteners and last week’s homework.

I groaned again and shuffled up into sitting position, rubbing at my eyes and running a hand through my incredibly long ashy blonde hair. 

I looked at my alarm clock and almost fell off the bed in shock.

"Mum! Its only seven am! Why did you have to wake me up? I'm going back to sleep," I grumbled, flipping over and pulling the sheets back over my head. 

"Oh well," I heard my Mother say sadly as she walked towards the door. "I guess all of the food downstairs will go to waste then."

I cracked an eye open and eyeballed her over top of my blankets. "Food?" I said hopefully.

She leaned out of my doorway and shouted downstairs. "Don't worry about putting the waffles on Dear! Heather isn't hungry!"

The answer shout echoed from the kitchen sounding slightly teasing. "Okay! What shall I do with these presents then? Can I just keep them for myself or do you think we should give them away to a charity store?"

Now don't get me wrong, I love charity, I am a very charitable person, but when my Father suggested that my Birthday presents be given away to charity I was out of my bed so fast you would have thought someone had stuck me with a red hot poker. No old homeless man was taking my presents!

"Presents!" I roared, barreling past my laughing Mother and thumping down the stairs into the kitchen. 

Dad grinned at me as I made a beeline for the stove, ducking under his arm and picking out a piece of bacon that was piled on a plate beside him. 

"Oh yuuuuuum," I groaned savoring the goodness. Dad laughed and caught me up in a big hug, twirling me around so I felt like a little girl again.

"And how is my big 17 year old girl this morning?" He questioned, ruffling my hair.  I grinned at him, and padded over to a chair by the kitchen table, flopping down into it just as Mum walked through the door.

"I am gud now I haf foods," I said with my mouth full, grinning again as Mum scolded me.

"Manners, Heather."

Dad winked at me as he slid two waffles onto my plate. "Here you are Ma'am, would you like whipped cream and syrup with that?"

I licked my lips in anticipation. "Yes please!"

He brought the two bottles out from behind his back with a flourish, twirling them around in his hands like they were pistols and making me laugh.

"Coming right up!"

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