Here we are

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"you should know the lock is broken." Artemis said to me.

Seeing her there I scrambled for a way to cover up, but it was clearly too late, so I turned and faced her.

"You don't seem surprised." I observed as I started putting my stuff back on.

She shrugged, "I always knew there was something about you, the boys are oblivious, Meg'an is from mars, but I know what a guy should be like, and I've seen the way you look at Wally, I thought maybe you were gay, but this makes a whole lot more sense." She told me.

"Meg'an knows too, she found the batcave while you guys were at my house." I told her.

She laughed, "man I wish I'd found it, love to know what it looks like in there."

I shrugged, "Just ask Wally, he's been."

She looked surprised, "Really, how? Cause I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't know who you are." 

"There's a zeta tube in there." I explained.

She shook her head, "huh, that's cool, back to what I was saying, if he doesn't see what's right in front of him, he's not worth all the feelings you clearly have for him." 

"You make it sound so simple, as if I can just stop caring. It's not some little crush, I'm in love with him, I've been in love with him for years. Do you have any idea how that feels? To be in love with your best friend and not have him even look twice at you, to know its never going to happen, that it can't happen!" I exclaimed.

 Artemis just looked at me, stunned, like the admission of my love for wally was more stunning than the fact that I was a girl.

"I have to go, I have a thing, thanks for listening," and with that I pushed through the door, running straight into a for once speechless Wally.

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