Hey Best Friend Meet my Best Friend

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Wally, Megan, Artemis and I all walked in at the same time, but Artemis headed off to her classes, while keeping an eye out for trouble. Megan and Wally followed me to my first period class. Megan had shape shifted so she looked like a sixteen year old with red hair, that she put in braids, she looked the part, Wally however looked just a tad to old to be in the eleventh grade. Once we got to my locker we were stopped by my other best friend Barbra Gordon.
"Hey Babs, we just got some new transfer students, I'm showing them around, this is Megan and Wally." I told her.
She smiled, "it's very nice to meet you guys."
She shook Megan's hand and then Wally's, my two best friends were shaking hands and they didn't even know it.
"Hey are you free tonight?" She asked.
"Sorry, not tonight." I told her.
She sighed, "I don't know why I expected otherwise , what with your nightly activities."
I gave her a sharp look.
"Please I wasn't going to spill your secret, jeeze." She exclaimed.
Megan and Wally looked at each other, confused, but they didn't say anything about it.
"To class then?" Megan asked.
I nodded and showed them the way.
The day passed without incident, which was good. At that point it was just a waiting game, Harley would make a move, it was just a matter of how and when, so until that point we had to remain prepared. I didn't see why Batman insisted the team watch me, it wasn't as if we couldn't take Harley ourselves, but she was smart. About as smart as she was crazy, which was to say pretty damn smart. She wouldn't attack me outright, I was sure she had a plan of some kind, and it was sure to be interesting. Regardless of the possible need for the team to be watching me I was still mad at Batman, I was so uncomfortable, being around all of them, having to constantly watch myself so I didn't give myself away. I sighed as we walked out of the school, and Wally looked at me inquisitively.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing, just a lot on my mind." I told him.
He nodded, "With the threat from Harley Quinn and us being around id imagine you would."
"Yeah." I said simply.
"So tell me about yourself." He asked.
I paused, not sure what to say, before deciding to just tell him things he didn't know.
"I was raised in a circus."
He raised his eyebrows, "really?"
I nodded, "I'm adopted, Bruce took me in when I was nine." I explained.
He looked surprised, most people were, "Wow, that's really unexpected, if you don't mind me asking what happened to your parents?"
I sighed again, "They were murdered."
Megan who had been casually listening to our conversation looked up at that.
"Tony Zucco? Oh whoops I'm so sorry, that happens sometimes, hello Megan." She interrupted.
"Meg'an!" I exclaimed. Only noticing after I said it that I had slipped up on her name, thankfully she didn't notice.
"Sorry!" She said again.
"Wait, Tony Zucco, I know that name, he was the first guy Robin took down with Batman." Wally said.
I shrugged, "strange, I'll have to thank him if I ever meet him."
Wally then deciding to change the subject asked if I wanted to play twenty questions. Most likely a bad idea on my part, I said yes.
"Favourite colour?" He asked me.
"Red, and you?" I returned.
"Yellow." He laughed a bit, "favorite superhero?"
I paused, "Batman of course, I do live in Gotham, and yours?"
"The Flash of course! Favorite sidekick?" He nudged me a bit at that one.
I paused, I should just say Aqualad or Superboy, the truth was Wally was my favorite, but because I didn't want to say that, and I felt pretty sure he wasn't going to figure me out if he hadn't already, I said, "Robin, and you?"
He fake pouted for a moment before smiling again and saying, "Robin's my favorite too, he's my best friend ya know."
I smiled at that, then joked, "that wasn't a question Wallace."
Confusion registered on his face and I realized my mistake.
"How do you know Wallace is my full name?" He asked.
"Uh, well, there's only like two names Wally could be short for, and you don't look like a Walter to me." I fibbed.
He smiled again, "yeah I guess not."
Our conversation pretty much ended there.

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