Batman is a Sadist

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"You have a problem." I said to my best friend Wally West as we sat playing video games, well I was playing video games, Wally was shoving enough food in his mouth to feed a small country.
"I do not!" He protested, but with a mouth full of food it sounded more like,
'Ub mo mot.'
"Suuuurre." I drew the word out, conveying my disbelief in his statement.
He was about to say something when Batman walked in and called the team together.
"Alright guys I have a mission for you, there's a girl in need of protection, Harley Quinn has her sights set on her, so she's going to need around the clock protection until the threat is dealt with." He explained.
That bastard!
How could he? I groaned quietly, how could he do that to me? I get he was worried about my safety, Harley had figured out my identity, though I had no idea how. She was smart, I had to give her that, she may have been bat shit crazy, but apparently she was a better detective than I had thought.
"Seriously?" I said to Batman.
He sighed, "and that brings me to my next point, Robin your sitting this one out."
"Gee, I wonder why." I muttered sarcastically under my breath.
"Why are you making Robin sit this out?" Wally asked.
"I have another mission for him." Batman said.
Yeah, a mission, very important. I sighed.
"Alright everyone, pack your bags, this may be a long one."

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