VI: under the scrunity

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        "PSST VANESSA!" The guy sitting behind her called, moments later she turned around to look at him

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        "PSST VANESSA!" The guy sitting behind her called, moments later she turned around to look at him.

He was shocked for a second, trying to register the fact that she was wearing makeup today. I hadn't realized she was in my history class before. But she was. The same girl at the dance that was crying in the bathroom. She seemed unwavered by his sudden shock. Rather uncaring that he was checking her out. He seemed totally interested, but I wasn't one to play matchmaker- that's made me lose friendships in the past.

"Yeah?" She asked, her giant puffball of long wavy brown hair blocking most of her face as she turned around to face him. I felt my heart swell up when he remained silent for a few more seconds, staring at her. He seemed so enraptured by her beauty that he forgot to speak. He froze for a moment and continued to stare.

"Do you have a sharpie?" He finally asked, from my angle in the room, I could clearly see the amused look on her face.

"No I don't, sorry." She whispered back. The teacher had been watching them, but didn't bother to mention anything. The teacher loved Vanessa, in fact she was his favorite student.

I smiled, feeling my heart widen. He liked her. Or had some sort of feeling toward her.

"Hey ugly, did you get number five?" David's voice brought me back to the iridescent reality of the classroom, I hadn't noticed he was there the entire two minutes I wasn't paying attention to him.


"Number six?" He smirked as I glared at him, him with his lip curling upwards. Stop staring at his lips Taylor! He glanced at mine briefly before speaking again. "Do you have number seven or eight?" He smirked. I glanced at his sheet, shockingly, he was already done.

"Shut up David." I rolled my ocean blue eyes as he chuckled slightly.

"Dang, when it happens to you, you act all bitchy about it, but when it happens to poor old Parker, you don't care. All because of a sandwich. . ." David Brason smirked at me as I shot him a warning look. From the corner of my eye, I could see that he was expecting a reaction. I knew he wanted me to talk to him, to argue back. But I didn't have it in me.

What was he even talking about? Why did he choose now to bring this up? This happened one day ago. Stop it David!

I wasn't going to react.


"And, what was his name, Trevor. I think that one was actually over a chocolate bar." He laughed. He crossed his arms as the teacher stood from his seat to go over the next few problems. "When he got your flowers but forgot to bring chocolates," He snickered.

Not gonna react.

Stop it Taylor.

Ignore him.

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