Dreams Become Reality

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**Julie's POV**

He grabbed my arm violently and put his hand around my waist pulling me closer. I was trying to resist but he wouldn't let me. He kept pulling me closer and closer.  I got pinned against a wall as he slammed his body against mine, while pinning my hands to the wall.  Still trying to resist, I slam my head foward making it hit his. He fell backwards and i ran. The door was locked, I quickly unlocked it, but it wasnt opening,

He was fainted on the floor. I ran to the window, opened it, then ran into the bathroom. I opened the window so he has the illusion that i went out through it. 

I heard him getting up, he grabbed something and threw it across the room. I heard it slam. Something Plastic and hard. I reached for my phone to call 9-1-1 as i realized it wasnt there. My phone. He broke my phone. What was i going to do? I didnt know how much time i had left.

I heard the front door of the hotel room slam, so i thought he left, i quickly ran out of the bathroom to see him hiding next to the bathroom door, He grabbed me by my hair and punched me in my stomache at a very rapid speed, making me fall to the ground. He continously kicked me until i stopped fighting.

"Finally done?" He said grinning.

"You're never going to get away with this Mark." I said barely being able to talk.

"I already did." He said evily as he reached behind him pulling out a gun.


I woke up barely being able to breathe. i was having a panic attack. Belle rushed into the room continously asking what had happend.

"Another flashback dream.." I said slowly and calmly,

"Mark?" Belle asked.

"Who else?" I replied with an attitude.

"Julie. He cant hurt you anymore.","You do know that? Right?" Belle asked

"Sometimes i dont know.." I replied.

"But it was just a dream. It happend in the past, Now its done. Over with.


"What time is it anyways?" I asked Belle

"Uhh about 12:3O PM.." She said

"Oh shit! The lunch date is at 12:45 !" I said

"Your an idiot. GO GET READY!"

I quickly got ready, took a 5 minute shower, blow dried my hair. Curled it, then but it in a side ponytail.

I ran to my bedside to grab my pink knitted beanie. My Pink and blue Jean design summer dress went perfectly .

As we waited for the boys, we were watching MTV, where we saw The Janoskians TV session.

(------      Idk if that was actually a show ON mtv but i live in california..so yeah sry for the interruption...lol bye ENJOY(:            -----)

The doorbell rang, we both got our purses and walked towards the door.

"Hi" I said in a good mood as i was opening the door,

No. It cant be. No!  

"GET AWAY FROM ME RIGHT NOW ILL CALL THE POLICE I SWARE TO GOD." I said angrily."Awh i missed you too." Mark said.

"You need to leave. Right now." Belle said demandingly.

"Wow. Thats not a very nice way to welcome your guest." Mark said with the eyes of a snake.

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