Meet the Neighbors

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As we arrived in Australia , the first thing I noticed is that It wasn't as hot as people say it Is...

Anyways, we got to my Apartment and I started grabbing boxes with Belle as I was walking into the elevator, holding like 4 boxes at once. Because I'm that smart...I went backwards because it just looked easier.

As I was walking in I heard an iPhone clicking so I immediately turned around to find a teenage boy looking down at his phone .

He was wearing a beanie that had the words "RECKLESS" spread across

is with a puff ball at the tip of the beanie.

Some hightops, typical teen. I guess.

We both awkwardly stood in the elevator until he slipped his phone in his pocket . I heard it bump against his leg as it hit the bottom of his pants. Sweats..Haha reminds me of Wanking Pants.

He looked up and we both clicked on level 13 . Our hands. Touched. We looked into each others eyes then I realized.. Oh my god. No. No. It can't be. It's not him. IT'S FUCKING JAI BROOKS!

I nervously stuttered, "Yo-uu a-ree Eyes Bro-oks.." "Beanie brooks" I quickly corrected myself. Then I realized it was still wrong "JAI BROOKS!" "Oh my god I'm the biggest fan in the world." I said nervously.

He chuckled and let out a grin. "Hi, I'm Jai Brooks, Who the fuck are you?" He said jokingly.

"Julie. Julie Garcia."

"Nice to meet you sir."

Oh god. I can't stop smiling, I must look so stupid... As the elevator opened, I saw Belle. And Belle saw me.

"Dude hurry the fuck up and give me my laptop. The new Janoskians video is out!" I looked to my left and grinned at Jai. He did the same.

The elevator door was blocking the view of Jai and I walked out, Jai hid behind the boxes I was holding.

Belle lifted up the top one and it revealed Jai's beanie.

"Doesn't Jai have one like this? When did you get it?" Belle asked curiously

"I didnt" I said still smirking.

Jai popped his head up and belle immediately started screaming.


Jai gave the biggest smile ever! He gave Belle a hug and politely invite us over later to meet the other boys.

Of course. Who in their RIGHT mind would turn down JAI FUCKING BROOKS?!

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