Thank You

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A.N. Hello everyone! It's been a while, hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their holidays.

P.S. good song to listen to while reading this chapter: or

This is dt Jaleahh02


A day passed since their little argument but alas, they were on speaking terms again. Solo wasn't too shocked when he was ignored by Iris, both of them being so stubborn he would be surprised if they didn't have disagreements. Besides hitting things when she was mad she also liked to think that the silent treatment was effective. Solo, on the other hand, found it ridiculous.

Iris was in the bedroom taking a nap.  Her body was still drained from being kidnapped. Solo didn't judge, he wishes he could sleep as much as she does. 

'6:00 pm' the clock read.

Solo decided to cook Caldo, one of Iris favorite foods. He didn't cook it necessarily for her sake or at least that's what he was telling himself.  With so much free time on his hands, he decided to spruce up his cooking skills. Solo continued cooking thinking about what's to come of this mission. 

Iris' eyes fluttered open and she groaned as she lifted her bruised body off the bed. Solo heard the pained grunts from the kitchen.

"Hey, take it slow kid." Solo walked over to her getting on one knee to even the height difference as she sat on the edge of the bed.  Solo and Iris face were inches apart with Solo's right arm supporting Iris right side up.

"I'm fine." Iris lied as she held her head.

"Sure you are kid." Sarcasm dripped from Solo's words. He kind of felt bad for the kid, she didn't deserve the bruises and cuts that covered her body. It was her family's reputation that she ended up in this situation.

"Go clean up kid. Food will be ready when you're out." Solo gave Iris one more concerned look before deciding to get up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Okay, mom." She responds playfully slowly finding the strength to finally get up and head over to the bathroom.

The corner of Solo's mouth curves up in amusement. Sometimes he found this whole 'taking care of a kid' not too bad.

Before Iris entered the restroom she stopped. Iris didn't want Solo to feel worried about her, she also didn't like pity. Solo noticed her stop in her tracks, but didn't say anything. She turned around and rested her eyes on Solo.  After a couple seconds, she decided to speak.

"Pretty boy" Iris started. Solo turned around to face her. "two things.. one, I don't need your pity." Iris crossed her arms in front of her a habit she had when she was nervous. "and two, thanks for saving me. If it wasn't for you I'd be dead." she turned her gaze to the floor. She was nervous. Solo was slightly caught off guard by the second point.  He had killed many people in my past even working for CIA, but this time he got to rescue someone. It was a nice change of pace. He felt... appreciated. The two stood there in silence.

"It's no problem kid." Solo offered her a smile. She lifted her gaze from the floor to lock eyes with Solo for a second, smiled, and quickly went into the bathroom.  If Solo hadn't been paying attention he would've missed it.

Fifteen minutes later Iris came out in new clothes Solo had bought her and placed in the bathroom before she went in. She now wore a white tank top with a tan cardigan with black sweats and house slippers. Her black hair fell around her face accentuating her high cheekbones. Her lips were pink, plump, and perfect besides the cut she was given that lied on the left corner. She had a matching cut on her forehead that had now stopped bleeding. Other than that she had beautiful light green eyes that you could definitely get lost in if you looked long enough.  She came over to the table noticing the food was ready and sat down partially leaning her back against the wall.

"So what now?" Iris asks messing with her hands nervously.

"What do you mean? Eat."  Solo question trying to avoid the upcoming conversation. He knew it was going to be about her future.

"C'mon, you know what I mean. Where do I go after this?" She asked trying to make eye contact with Solo, something he was carefully trying to avoid. The room growing more silent as each second passed.  Her eyes fell to the table as she sighed.  She decided to let it go, for now, she was hungry anyways.

"Ahh, I have an idea! why don't I become a CIA agent like you? That'd be so fun!" Iris' smiles as she enjoyed teasing Solo.

"Trust me kid, this isn't as fun as you'd think. Sure it has its perks but once my years are up I'm leaving this life." Solo practically whispered the end. It was more like a message for him than for her.

The rest of dinner was in silence, but a comfortable silence.


A.N. To be honest, I'm the one who is attached to my character Iris. My poor baby needs protecting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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