Chapter 6

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Later that day we headed to the other side of the lake to celebrate.

I was really excited to head over there and have some fun. Now that everything was better and Greg was with me, I felt extremely happy about everything.

When we arrived, there were already a bunch of people there eating and having a good time. I smiled as I watched the younger kids get out as soon as the horses stopped. We picked a spot right by the basketball court and placed our belongings on the picnic table before I shed my dress and ran to the lake. Greg, Andre, Charlotte, Donna, and Keithie all followed me shortly after.

"Remember sun tan lotion Clara!" dad yelled.

"You 2, dad!"

Greg had brought along a blow up mattress where it sat underneath the lifeguard station "Okay in positions," Greg said.

Andre tapped him on the shoulder "I don't know man. This thing looks crazy."

"It'll be fine. Come on, I spent all morning blowing that thing up!"

Donna and I were holding the bottom of the mattress before I climbed up the lifeguard chair with Greg "You should be alright," Donna told him as we both reached the top.

"Should be?"

"Don't be a wuss Andre!" I taunted before we counted down. Greg and I held hands as we jumped on the blow up mattress. Andre shot up into the air and dived into the water. Greg and I sank under the water before swimming back up. All of a sudden Andre's head popped out of the water.

"Let's do that again!"

Later I ended up being hungry so I sat down beside Charlotte and ate some watermelon with everyone else.

Dickie Bailey came up to us talking smack about the rematch "You really want to do this Bailey?" Lenny asked.

"My five against your five," Bailey stated and his other four posse members approached our table.

"Oh boy," Lennymuttered "I see the boys stayed in shape," Someone burped loudly "Robado good to see you."

"Lenny," the guy replied.

"If you're looking at me, I don't know."

Dad and Lamonsoff chuckled and the guy Lenny was talking to laughed but it sounded super creepy. Like evil madman creepy.

"Look fellas," Lenny said "We just wanna eat some watermelon and relax if you're alright with that?"

"Oh no it's not alright. You're not gonna weasel your way out of this one Feder," Bailey said "Wylie snuck out of intensive care to see you finally get some justice."

I looked over and Charlotte and I giggled quietly "Yo! You best be getting to ballin Feder!" Wylie cried with his hands stuck in the air. Poor dude.

"Hey Wylie, was the field goal good?"

"Yeah first time I ever heard that one," Wylie huffed and Lenny chuckled "Or you want me to get something off the top shelf? Heard that one a lot too!"

"Seriously Dickie, let us just hang out with our families alright? We just want to relax." Lenny said.

One guy who was eating a hotdog said "Yeah they're afraid of us."

Dad tapped his cup "We're afraid you might eat the ball before we start the game," I look at him noding. Good one dad.

All of us laughed "Same old Higgins," the guy said "he can talk the talk but he can't," the guy paused "I forget the rest."

Grown Ups - The Lake House - Greg FederWhere stories live. Discover now