Chapter 2

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Later that night, we all went out to eat at Woodman's. As we took our seats, I ended up sitting with Greg who smiled at me making me blush and smile back. Across from me was dad who raised his eyebrow and pointing to Greg while mouthing 'You like him?' I shook my head and glared.

Dad smirked anyway before saying to Mr. Feder "Hey Lenny, remember when we use to come here in high school late night after we got wasted."

"What's wasted?" Donna asked.

Oh my god, who doesn't know what the hell wasted means? How old is this girl? I looked over to Mr. Feder and smirked. I'd like to see what tremendous lie he pumps out this time.

"Uh, kids, is something that happens when you have a hankering for ice cream."

Andre stood up "I wanna get wasted."

"I wanna get totally wasted!" Charlotte piped up next to him.

"I wanna get wasted every day of my life," Donna gushed, me and Greg look at each other and laught.

"I wanna get chocolate wasted!" Becky said and I almost cried trying to hold in my laughter.

"Amy do you want to get wasted with us?" Donna asked.

I could hear Dad and Greg laughting low at me "Sorry, but I don't like so much of ice cream."

Mr. Lamonsoff ordered for us and Mrs. McKenzie's mother ordered off the whole menu. The waitress asked us what we wanted to drink.

"I'll take a flat water," Greg told her "Voss,"

"What?" The waitress asked and I rolled my eyes. Here we go again with the 'I'm the rich guys son and I drink expensive water'. I just don't understand why I'm crushing on him.

"You know? Voss or Fuji if you don't have Voss."

"You know anything you've got is good." Lenny said.

"Yeah we have out of the faucet." The waitress wrote it down and Greg looked disgusted.

"Like from a hose?"

"Tap water," I say.

"What countries that from?"

"Is just water." I says, he look at me mad.

"I like your daughter Marcus." Lenny says.

Why is there a discussion about water? Seriously this vacation is becoming really weird.

All of a sudden Kurt starts speaking Chinese to the woman who I knew was a nanny. I mean come on, everyone here might be but I'm not stupid.

Lenny went to go to the restroom and Greg turned to me as I started talking to him "So why do you like Voss water so much? Doesn't it taste like regular water?"

"Seriously Amy? We're gonna have a conversation about water?" Greg smirked.

"Hey, I'm interested as to why you like it." Dad look at me with a eyebrow up, I just ignore him.

Before he could tell my why, a male voice rang over the restaurant "Rematch I dare ya."

We all turned around in our seats "What the heck was that about?"

"No clue," Greg said before scooting a little closer to me "So why do you want to know why I like Voss so much. Does it maybe have something to do with the fact that you like me?"

"What? Psh, no. I do not like you..." I stopped babbling when I felt his hand on mine "What are you doing?"

Greg ignored me "It's okay Clara...Amy. I like you too." He gripped my hand tighter and I smiled. If we weren't in a room full of parents and siblings, I might have just kissed him right then and there.

Grown Ups - The Lake House - Greg FederWhere stories live. Discover now