A place to stay

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My feet were aching. We finally made it to the apartments. The hallways stank. There was blood all over. Walls were smashed. Door were hanging by one hinge. We turned every corner with caution.

The zombies couldn't see, they could just smell and hear.

We looked around the hallway corner and there was an apartment that looked as if it hadn't even been touched. I was so relieved. Suddenly, a group of 6 zombies slowly walked down the hallway. They were no more then 8 feet from us. Our eyes were peeping from around the corner. As one got closer it started sniffing the air.

"Crap!" Taylor whispered. "He can smell us!"

We hid behind a nearby desk. Next to us was a dead body. Blood was smeared all over him. Chunks were taken from his neck.

"How are we going to get to the door?" Taylor questioned.

I looked once more at the dead body.

"Well, since zombies pretty much smell like death and blood, lets just smear some of his blood on our hands and clothes"

"Ew! I am not touching that thing!"

"Taylor, do you want to die"


"Didn't think so. Just do it!"

"Ugh, fine..."

We smeared the blood on our hands, clothes, and neck.

We slowly crept around the corner and the zombies didn't seem to notice us.

I went towards the door and slowly turned the knob. Locked.

"Of course it's locked!"

Taylor looked around the corner.

"Hey, Em. There's a hole at the bottom of the wall. I think it leads into that apartment! Do you think we'll fit?"

"Can't hurt to try"

We got on our hands and knees and popped our heads through, followed by our body.

There was a torn up couch.

"Taylor, go check the kitchen while I search the bedroom and bathroom"

I looked through the room. Not much except for some ammo on the desk. I went into the bathroom and there was a sink and shower. I cleaned the blood off of my hands and neck at the sink.

"Em! You gotta see this!"

I went into the kitchen to see Taylor staring at a cabinet filled with crackers, soups, and canned foods. In the fridge was milk (Very expired) and water.

I ran to the small hold in the wall and blocked it off with a desk.

"Um Em, what are you doing?"

"Well there is a bed, shower and food here. Why can't we just stay a night or two?"

"I guess your right, I'm gonna cook up some soup for us"

"Okay I'm gonna take a nap I'm beat"

I layed down for a second thinking about all the things that were going on. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Okay people stop saying I'm copying the Walking Dead because I haven't even seen that show. From the movies and games I seen the zombies are usually blind so that's what I said in my book. It makes sense to mask the human smell serisously I would do that if this were real. All these ideas are coming from me and if people keep saying I'm copying others I'm just going to delete it. Bye.

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