Chapter Nine:

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" So, wheres the party?" I look over Laurens shoulder trying to find any sign of groupies in the background , there was nothing , Not a beer bottle in sight.

"What ? I mean , Oh um ," Her eyes circled round in all direction before finally landing back on me. " Sorry" she waves her hands in my face . " I just wasn't expecting you , I thought you wasn't going to turn up."

"Well , i had a change of heart and well , I decided why the hell not , You only live once right?"

My new attitude obviously triggered the happy nerve in Lauren as her smile grew wide and her rather large eyes beamed right at me .

"Wow , Well , I'm soo glad you could make it but ,"   But what ? i hate buts not her but but buts ... Huh ? OK now my new attitude is starting to confuse me.

"But the party isn't until later , We have at least another five hours"  she lets off a little giggle and gives me the 'DUH' look.

"But you said it was early , The party i mean , on the phone , You said it was early"  I send my arms into a waving position as i try and explain what she said on the phone early , I don't realise that she already knows what I'm getting at.

"I know what you mean Codey"  She grabs a hold of my arms and places them beside my torso to keep them from flopping about . " I meant early as in a couple of days early , The party still wont start until about seven " She again chuckles .

"OH"  Is my only reply , I carry on standing there rocking backwards and forth twiddling my thumbs , What do i do now ? I cant go home and wait , i didn't want to.

"SO"   I pause " do you want me to come back later?"  I ask trying not to show the disappointment of having to go home .

"Um , Well you can if you like , or you could help me" She screeches the last part gleaming a huge smile.

"I'm like ,Way behind on the preparations i could really do with the help."

I look at her for a second , What am i getting my self into , I know how Lauren can be , sure she's kind and really pretty , damn she's more than pretty she HOT , but Ive seen the way she acts around her friends , She can be pretty demanding , That said , What else have i got to do?



"So where do you want coffee table again ?" I ask for the fourth time ,

"Up the stairs , third door on the left , Would you like me to write it down ? Draw you a map maybe?"

Ha , Sarcasm , she really does know how to change my mood.

"very funny , I'm just not with it today , Ive been up since , Since, hell i don't even remember if Ive been asleep"  I flop myself down on the couch i had just moved to the edge of the room , Lauren wants to make room for a dance floor ,

I ponder on the thought of weather i actually got any sleep or not , My mind is mashed , I really cannot remember.

The couch suddenly dips and Lauren's freaky arms wrap around my shoulders.

"That bad huh ?" Her grip around me tightens leaving me feeling strangely allot better , It's been along time since i have had any comfort from anyone , Well , I did have the hour with Katee in music class ,That day was really fun .

Katee.  I hope she is still going to come to the party , I quickly stand up scaring the hell out of Lauren , She gasps , I fumble around in my pocket looking for the torn music sheet Katee had written her number on , I should phone her.

"Are you OK Codey ?" Lauren whispers , I think i really did scare her.

"Yes" I assure her , " Can i Bring a friend to the party Tonight?"  I ask .

"I guess so , I don't even know half of the people that are coming I'm sure one More stranger wont hurt ." she smiles and starts shifting things from the middle of the room again.

I rub her shoulder to signal a big thank you and pull out my phone.

"Damn" I mumble , 16 Messages , All from Ryan , I throw my phone in anger not even bothering to read the messages , Lauren gives me 'Woaah' Kind of look .

"Sorry"  I say . "Had a message i didn't want to have"  I laugh , "Can i use your phone ?"

Laurens glances down at my phone which was now lying in the middle of the room , Then back at me .

"Sure" She holds out her pink flip phone , typical girl , Pink this , pink that.

"Thanks" i take the phone and hold out one finger to tell her ill be one minute , I head out through the kitchen and onto the back porch , I dial each number that's written on the sheet , A funny girlie beep sounding on each press , again , Typical girl.

I press the green button and tap my foot on the hard wooden floor as i listen to the dialing tone .

A couple of seconds later , "Please leave a message after the , nah I'm just kidding , Hello"

"Hey , Its Codey" I bite my lip as i nervously wait for a reply.

"CODEY , HEY DUDE , HOWS IT HANGING ?"   Hanging? I look down at my crotch area , Totally fine.

"EM , Its ha-hanging fine" I stutter , She laughs .

"Cool cool , What can i do you for ?" She chirps.

"I was just wonderi..."

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DOUCHE I'M TALKING HERE" she yells , Right into my ear .

"Sorry , carry on" I stick a finger in my ear and rub violently until my hearing returns.

"I was just wondering if you still want to go to the party i told you about , Laurens party , Its today?" I don't expect her to say yes after all it was planned for the weekend and not for a school night .

"Sure , I have nothing to do anyway, I'm dying of boredom here"

"Great"  I say smiling through my teeth. " Do you want me to walk with you ?"

"OK , Ill text you my address OK ? "

"OK , Could you text to this number ? My phone sorta died , Well , i sorta murdered it " I laugh.

"Really ? I like your style , I could murder something right now , My little brother for instance , Jase get out of my room" I hear her voice grow quieter and quieter until a bang appears which I'm guessing was her room door.

"Sorry , Brothers" she sighs.

"Yea, Brothers, who needs em."

"Yea, who needs em" She repeats " So ill Text you my address and see you later OK ? I'm gonna go strangle my brother"

"OK"  I laugh, "Bye" She says goodbye and the phone beeps signaling her disconnection.


The next couple hours go by real fast , I remember anything Lauren asks me to do and i follow instructions pleasingly , No one is going to kill my mood now.

No one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2011 ⏰

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